
When did you start to slow down?

Hi ladies! Just wondering at what point you guys started to slow down... I am 23 weeks today and starting to get real tired after not much activity.  I just picked up around the house, short grocery store visit, and took the dogs for a short walk. You would of thought I ran a marathon! I am exhausted! Thanks!

Re: When did you start to slow down?

  • I remember between weeks 24 and 26 is when I had a BIG growth spurt.  By the end of that, I was pretty much exhausted all of the time.  I was working as a waitress at a very busy steak house up until then.  I remember my last night I worked was like hell.  I had to leave early because I started having BH contractions like every 10 min.
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  • I would say this week there has been a BIG change with babies growing and my belly feeling like it can't possibly stretch any more.  Yesterday went to church (sat through the entire service ~ 45 min) and then into Macy's and sat while DH looked at shoes.  Just those 2 things pooped me out and I came home & took an 1 1/2 hr nap. 

    Next 10 weeks or so should be very interesting?!?!?


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  • I think I was right about where you are. I had a 4 block walk to my car from the office and it was enough to make me exhausted. I started taking the bus after that. I got winded easily.
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  • I slowed down a lot around 22 weeks but then around 24 I started getting some energy back.  I'm to 29 now and its starting to slow me back down a little bit - but you may get another spurt of energy as time goes by :)
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  • 21 weeks for me.  I went from having a fairly good supply of energy to being pooped in no time.  We were joking the other day - breathing leaves me out of breath!  I can't carry DS more than a few paces, have to bend over and support myself mid-way through a shower to avoid possibly passing out (I get dizzy when I stand too much) and will have to use a motorized cart next time I shop at Walmart.  Babies are literally sucking the life out of me!  I can deal as long as they continue to thrive, though.
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  • I've had a couple of different phases of "the wall" as I call it.

    Around 24 weeks I was just tired from all the pressure and aching back and not sleeping but still able to keep up my activity level.

    Around 28 weeks, I really started to notice the inability to do much without getting so tired, crampy and winded.

    As of this weekend, which was 30 weeks, I am extremely limited. After cooking a very small dinner, I was so exhausted that I didn't know how I was even going to eat. Today at work, it is an honest struggle to go pee becuase the walk up the stairs is hard on my back/hips and breathing. I've also had a lot of full on contractions lately and really had to take a reality check of what pushing it meant, so I guess my advice in all this rambling is, if you are tired, take it easy. Those babies need you to rest!

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  • jcathjcath member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one.  I'm really not doing much.  I work at a desk and go home and lay on the sofa until I go to bed about 8:30.  On the weekends I can do one thing and the rest of the day I rest.  I hope it means they are growing well!
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  • I'm only 19 weeks and I'm already starting to get tired.  My 18 month old is super active though (and so is DH).  I just had a three day weekend with them and I'm pooped!  I've just started feeling like this in the last week.  Hopefully I get a second wind soon!
    DS 12/09, Twins EDD 11/11
  • I teach Kindergarten and I worked until 36 weeks. I had days when I was really tired and uncomfortable, but for the most part I didn't slow down until I was done with work.
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  • I think it was about 30w for me that I started to really slow down. After 32 weeks or so when all I wanted to do was lay on the couch! Listen to your body and take it easy!
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  • I really started feeling sluggish and tired super quickly about 21-22 weeks.  12 hour hospital shifts were kicking my butt and feet were so swollen and sore they were unrecognizable.  In some ways it was a relief be taken off work.  Now I'm on bed rest, so I have really slowed down!
  • I'm almost 27 weeks and in the last week or so, I've been overcome by a lot of exhaustion... based on the previous replies it seems mid to late 20-weeks might be pretty common time for slowing down.
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  • At 27w I started hitting the first of many walls.  I felt like I got hit by a truck.  A week or so later my body caught up and I felt better.  I hit another about 30w.  Everyone's different.  Some never slow down!  I hope you're one of the lucky ones!
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  • I'm 29 weeks and in the last week I've started to feel really tired after doing anything! I'm going to make this my last week of work and very happy about that.
  • I'm 28 weeks tomorrow.  I stopped work 2 weeks ago.  There are days when I can take the dog for a 30 minute walk and days that I just want to lie on the couch all day!  
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