the popularity of the name into consideration?
It's still early in the game for us, but we're throwing names around. I've always loved the name Sophia, but everyone talks about how popular it is. IRL, I only know on Sophia. We had moved on to other names due to the "popularity", but I still really love the name.
What do you ladies think?
Re: When you chose names for your dc, did you take
Yes. I did not want a popular name. I loved Emily, but it was #1 at the time and sure enough we have a neighbor born 3 days after DD that was named Emily. There are so many trendy names that I would like to avoid. It is hard though.
In the end, do what you want. If you are really set on it, go for it.
I did kind of. It wasn't so much the popularity but the trendy-ness of the name. I didn't want a name that screamed "I was born in the 2000's" DH loved all the trendy names Hunter, Austin, thigns that I think were invented in the last decade or so. (although I guess my grandfather in law has the middle name austin so i guess it is older than i think) To me, sophia is a popular name but not trendy. If you love it I would go with it, but know that there is a chance she will be one of 3 in school.
FWIW we went with Ian, we thought it was very unpopular and only had me 3 Ians ever. Well it seems to be becoming much more popular so i'm interested to see how many Ian's DS has in his class.
Ditto Javelina. I think there's a huge difference between trendy, which we avoided like the plague, and popular, which didn't phase me as much. To me "trendy" names are of the moment and will seem silly and dated when the children are grownups. But sometimes even classic names (like Ethan, which is my older son's name) are "popular."
As a Jennifer born at the height of Jennifer-dom, I always say there are a lot worse things you can do to your child than giving them a popular name.
I don't think you can go wrong with Sophia, which to me is a classic-but-popular name.
Not at all. When naming Alexander I knew that was going to be his name YEARS before I even met DH because it's the only boy name I have ever liked. I didn't care how popular it may or may not have been....that was going to be my child's name.
Then when it came to Christopher, I just needed a name that sounded good with his middle name (Silas) AND "went with" his older brothers' names (Zachary and Alexander).
I was Melissa R for most of my life, and while it wasn't the end of the world, it was very annoying. I didn't want that for my kids, so we avoided the top 10 lists.
I originally wanted Emma for DD#2, but reconsidered after seeing how crazy popular it was. We went with a similar family name instead, and I amso glad we did.
Check out this site- it tells you how popular names are in your area. I love the name sophia too, but I feel like every other girl around here is ava or sophia
Yes- i really am not a fan of trendy names. My name was always the only one growing up - and i liked it that way. DH rarely met any Greg's either.... but neither of our names are 'weird' - which is what we wanted for DS... something more unique but not strange... we came up with Griffin.
I always check the SS website for the popularity of names I like.
No. Natalie was #16 on the top names of 2006, and I didn't care. I love the name, and that was the name I was going to use regardless of popularity. I tend to like the names that are on the popular side.
If you love the name Sophia, I would encourage you to use it. GL!