I have a mix of 30 kissaluv unbleached, FB's, BG's and thirsties covers. I just ordered my RnG detergent and want to get them prepped. The kissaluv's say they need to be washed 3-4x to become absorbant, the BG's and FB's say just one wash is fine.
Can I do them all in the first load together? Does anyone have any advice on line drying vs. using the dryer?
Re: Advice on prepping my NB Stash
kissaluvs have to be prepped separately for the 3-4 washes but you can wash the FB, BG, and thirsties covers together together once and they should be good to go. The rule is natural fibers together and prep separately from synthetic fibers.
You'll want to use the dryer to prep but can line dry everything after that. The dryer will seal the PUL on the FB, BG and thirsties covers and will help shink and make more absorbent the kissaluvs. HTH
You want to wash the Kissas separate from the synthetic materials. Any natural fiber materials need to be prepped by washing several times or by boiling (snap-free inserts and prefolds ONLY, boiling can damage PUL, elastic and snaps). This is to remove natural oils. You don't want to have the synthetic materials in those loads because the oils can transfer to the synthetics and make them start repelling. Once they've been prepped, you're fine to wash everything together.
Machine drying on hot is part of the prepping process for natural fibers. I dried in between each wash cycle, though I think some people dry every other. Drying helps natural fibers quilt up and become more absorbent. Again, once they're prepped you're fine line-drying them.