So DH and I have decided on Mia/Amelia Loren but for some reason I keep thinking about how much I like the name Charlotte too. Should I stick with what I have or do you like Charlotte better? I wanted to use Loren as a middle name to honor my grandma who just passed but I dont think Charlotte Loren flows well. I originally had Charlotte Elisabeth on my list. Thoughts?Thanks for the opinions
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Re: My girl name- Clicky- Thanks again
When I see Mia Loren or Amelia Loren I say Loren differently. I don't know why but I say it more like LOR-ynn. Usually I say it quite clearly LOR-en. I think it's pretty and soft.
I don't know if that's a normal reaction or not, but if it's not something you want then Charlotte Elisabeth is very nice too.
I like Charlotte the best. I also like Mia, but not Amelia. I voted for Charlotte Loren, but I also like Charlotte Elizabeth.