Two Under 2

bumbleride indie twin vs. BJ city mini double

So Im trying to decide between these 2 strollers. I have the BJ city mini single and I really like it (love the fold) BUT I Hate that I cant get anything in or out of the basket. There is no opening and I try to jam my diaper bag in there but its ridiculous. I cant find a store that has the bumble ride indie twin in stock but I have seen the single and I have to assume the basket is similar -- although the basket isnt big or anything, atleast it was accessible. I also liked the handlebar adjusted for height and that it air filled tires. The downside on the bumbleride to me is the fold seems difficult compared to the bj.

Does anyone have the bumbleride indie twin and have any thoughts?

Re: bumbleride indie twin vs. BJ city mini double

  • laura1laura1 member

    We have the indie twin, and we LOVE it.  The storage basket is huge, and I can stash my diaper bag under there along with lots of other stuff.  We use the stroller a lot, but mostly outside.  We used to live in the city, and it was our main mode of transportation around.  The fold isn't too difficult (I don't think), but it is big and bulky (and heavy).  We had to fold it up and carry it up about 7 steps to keep it in our foyer.  We didn't often bring it in the car to stores, etc.

    We just moved to the suburbs, but still live in walking distance to the downtown area, playground, etc.  We now keep it in the garage, and don't have to fold it very often at all!   

    I am now in the process of buying a double maclaren off of Craigslist for $50 now to keep in my car and bring on vacation with us, though.

    I looked at the city mini and liked it, but the ride was so much smoother with the Bumbleride and the air filled tires.  I also really liked that the cup holder, rain cover, and car seat adapter were included in the price, and that the storage basket was bigger...but again, we were living in the city and often walking to the grocery store, so I needed lots of room!

    Good luck! 

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  • I LOVE my Indie Twin.  Basket is huge and accessible and the adjustable handlebar is really great.  I don't think the fold is tough at all.  It is heavy to lift, but any double stroller I've tried is heavy.  It pushes really easily and doesn't feel bulky to move around with (I fit through any public doorway I've tried).
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  • Hands down, the fold of the City Mini is better.  But in my opinion, that's the only thing the CM has over the Indie.

    I love our Indie.  I've had it at the mall, small shops, the playground, parks, etc. and haven't had any issues.  It pushes like a dream.  The basket is huge -- and you don't need to have both kids out of the stroller to access it, which is the case for the CM.

    I don't think the CM would push very easily over rough/rugged terrain, anything aside from smooth surfaces might be an issue.  Friends of ours have one and they have trouble at the zoo, which isn't even that tough!

    My vote is the Indie Twin, for sure!

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  • We have the BR Indie single and we like it, but I wouldn't say we LOVE it.  I have seen the double out and about and it is definitely not as wide as two singles.  It actually seems reasonably sized for a double-wide stroller. 

    We ended up getting the BJ City Select for our double (at least to start).  It has the air-filled tires like the Indie and the basket is easy to reach because you can unzip the back of it to access everything.  So far I've only used it as a single, but it's nice.  I like the Indie as a single better, but I think any single is going to be better than a double.  DD LOVES the BJCS - she seems to like it better than the Indie.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually end up also buying a side by side double for long walks as I've heard the BJCS can be tough for that.  However, I think as a main stroller, the BJCS will be easier to maneuver than a double-wide.  I also love that it can be a single or double, makes it very versatile for different situations.

    DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

    *please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
  • CygalCygal member

    We also have the bumbleride indie twin and I love it. It is so easy to push and i don't feel like I have a huge monster stroller on my hands. I think the basket is fairly large and I can stow my diaper bag underneath with room for lots of other things.

    It took a bit of getting used to learn how to fold it and yes it is heavy but my arms are getting stronger so its not that big of a deal. It fits just fine in the trunk of my prius! 


    imageLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Blog:image
  • imagemlf625:
    I LOVE my Indie Twin.  Basket is huge and accessible and the adjustable handlebar is really great.  I don't think the fold is tough at all.  It is heavy to lift, but any double stroller I've tried is heavy.  It pushes really easily and doesn't feel bulky to move around with (I fit through any public doorway I've tried).

    agree.  I didn't like the BJ basket situation at all.  The BJ is easier to fold, but I would rather have the basket.  I'm really happy with our Bumbleride. 

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  • Cygal!  I have been searching everywhere on the internet trying to find double strollers that will fit in the trunk of a Prius!  I was just wondering which year stroller/Prius you have!  From what I've read...the dimensions have changed slightly on both from year to year!  I am really leaning towards the Bumbleride & I absolutely love it!  The smoothest glide ever!  I am hoping this will work for us.  We traded in our Commander for the Prius one week prior to finding out we're prego with #2!  AH!  
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