Cloth Diapering

WCW question

I just got my first WCW soaker and tried it out last night.  My little guy soaked through to his PJs.  I thought these came ready to use.  Is there anything I need to do to try to get them to work better or do I just has a super soaker of a baby and need to switch back to PUL  covers?


Re: WCW question

  • She uses the spray lanolin which doesn't make it suitable for overnight use.  It needs to be fully lanolized.
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  • DS is a pretty heavy wetter and we have always used our WCW overnight without any additional lanolizing.  Is it possible what was underneath the soaker wasn't abosrbant enough?  You could always try re-lanolizing it yourself.
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    I just got my first WCW soaker and tried it out last night.  My little guy soaked through to his PJs.  I thought these came ready to use.  Is there anything I need to do to try to get them to work better or do I just has a super soaker of a baby and need to switch back to PUL  covers?


    You might need more absorbency in the diaper itself, and I would also suggest not using it under jammies. The PJs will wick moisture out of the soaker before it evaporates. We just put BabyLegs + socks on DS to keep his feet warm, or we use wool footies instead of the soaker. We never put anything on top of the wool.

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  • I used a B4 with all 3 soakers.  His butt is so fluffy I don't know how much more I could add.   The only other thing I though might help would be to switch out 1-2 of the B4 soakers and use hemp instead...?
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