She has had three swim lessons so far and has gone from refusing to get her hair wet to this:
She still screams bloody murder when DH or I try to get her to do anything slightly out of her comfort zone in the pool. She just started to do that where she pushes away from the pole and them swims back to it, on her own yesterday. She is going at her own pace and is getting it! I'm so proud of her.,
Re: AW: so proud of DD
That is awesome! How long did it take for her to get to that point?
My kids start swim lessons tomorrow for the first time. L is terrified of the big pool and wont get in without a life jacket and still takes him about 10mins to step off the stairs. He refuses to get near it without his LJ on. Im so nervous about how he is going to do, how Im going to react when he starts screaming, running etc tomorrow. Do I just stand and watch or do I go and try to talk to him. Ugh. Its going to be a long 30mins tomorrow. (and all week) Oh and dont even ask him to put his head under. He will in the tub and baby pool but not the big pool. The girls will jump off the side, let you throw them and stand on the steps and dunk their head under. Im not too worried about them. They still want their LJs on but are ok as long as someone is holding them.
Love your videos! She is doing a great job!
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
LD, she started her lessons the Thursday after Memorial Day. She has had three lessons total. I think she is finally making progress because SHE is ready, the instructor is wonderful with her and also the goggles have been HUGE. She was never as fearful of the water as your son seems to be; she was just afraid of venturing from the steps but loved the water.
We have hired an instructor to come to our neighborhood pool and work with my two and one other for an hour. They each get about 20 minutes of private instruction. It's working really well for us. Like I said, DD won't do anything we want her to do but is floating flat on her back like a starfish for this instructor
Thank you!
We start tomorrow and go through the 24th. We will probably do another session this summer as well after we see how they do this time.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *