WTF??? Yes he works hard but i am so sick of him not doing anything around the house. He just started a new job about a month ago and they were supposed to pay for our health insurance if i got it through my job because they don't have their's set up yet. I've had almost $500 taken out of my checks so far and they still haven't paid him for it. I am the one that pays the bills. We now have 2 days of daycare for a whopping $800 a mos ( i know some pay more) and we are financially struggling. So i'm stressed out to the max. He golfs every sunday!!! The cost never seems to bother him, yet i can't afford to go get my damn hair cut.
He also has done nothing around the house either. He hasn't mowed the lawn in over 3wks! My dad had to do it. He sits on the couch all day or takes naps. I am just at my wits end with him. He helps out with making formula & bottles but that's about it. At first i felt bad because he does work long hours during the week but he's also been away so everything has fallen on me for the past month.
I've tried talking to him about how i am resenting him and he agreed that he was being useless but he's done nothing to make it better. I told him he couldn't go golfing because we don't have the extra money to spend & we need things done around here. He went anyway saying his father was paying for him. Make a list of stuff that needs to be done and he'll do it. Like he can't see what has to be done!!! How about finishing painting the livingroom wall or can't you see that??????
Sorry so long i just have to vent before i completely lose it and get a divorce. I feel like i still love him but if i'm already a single mom what is the point anymore.
Re: My DH is on my list...'s like having 3 kids!!!! Men are rediculous. Why do women always have to be the strong, indepentent etc...person in the relationship. Just once i'd love to have my DH just do something because he see's it needs to be done. They are so dumb!! I swear!!! He's in for it when he get's home from golf. Oh and don't you find that it's funny how tired he is on the weekend until it's time to walk 18 holes of golf? F#CKER!!!!!
yes i'm still sore about the whole thing
are we married to men that are related-lol! Mine doesn't golf but likes to fish but only goes once every few months. He works a ton of hours and during the week I feel like a single mom too, most days he doesn't see DD at all because he leaves early and gets home late. So I drop off and pick up at daycare every day and do all house crap when I feel up to it! Tell your Dh if he doesn't help out more you are going to hire a cleaning person since he doesn't help like he/should/could. That worked for me, Dh didn't want me using money for that so he's been helping out more when he can. Good luck yes men are clueless when it comes to seeing what needs to be done the sh!t just doesn't seem to bother them WTH!
Well, mine just used one of my good towels off of the towel bar to dry off with after his 2nd shower of the day~ a-hole.
Obviously, I have no advice.