Washington Babies

Stroller Shopping, etc.

Hi All -

I'm very new to this board and new to the area.  I actually live in the Kitsap County area and it seems to be somewhat limited as to baby store resources.   I'm interested in starting to look at strollers, but I don't really know where to look in order to try them out (besides BRU).  Do you have any suggestions?  Also, any other baby stores you recommend?  I'm interested in cloth diapering as well.


Thanks in advance! 

Re: Stroller Shopping, etc.

  • Hi, and welcome to the board. I don't have stroller shopping recs, but we do have some Mamas on here that are Cloth Diaper gurus. There is a Bump National CD board you may want to look at (the girls on this board referred me to it). They have a resources page at the top of the board that told me most of what I needed to know, and lists some fantastic CD websites. Hope that helps!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Welcome! I'm not familiar with too much in Kitsap but down in the Seattle area we liked checking out Merry Go Round in Bellevue for strollers, although we ordered through Amazon since it was like $70 less for the one we wanted. I am a super happy CD'er too- you couldn't pay me to use sposies. :) (Note- my autocorrect changed sposies to doodies, how ironic.). Anyway there are quite a lot of us here! I found the best thing to do was take a class. I did one with DH at Birth and Beyond in Seattle and one with a Bumpie group at Punkernoodle Baby (also in the city.). There is a place called Cozy Baby Boutique in Woodinville that sells a limited selection as well (BG, FB and a couple others.). The CD board FAQ as Dawn said is fantastic and very informative, and it covers more than just the big name brands, which is nice. We use some BG pockets for going out but everything we prefer for home is a non-major brand so it's nice to get info on choices you may not find in stores. Also check out diaperpin.com and Pinstripes and Polkadots for lots of great info and reviews. Hope that helps!

    image Visit The Nest!

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  • I say sit at a play area at a mall and observe the kind of strollers you like. Ask what kind it is and where they got it if you see one you think looks cool. I had no idea of all the kinds of strollers out there. I eventually went to Merry Go Round in Bellevue to test drive their small selection. I ended up ordering online. I do feel guilty about using the store like that and not buying there though. Some kids consignment stores stock a lot of strollers, so you could test drive there too, and order new somewhere if you don't want used.

    As for cd's, my typical recommendation for people asking me is to get the trial package from jillian's drawers. It's not nearly as exciting as building your stash before baby comes, but you get to try out several types and see what suits you best. What you like might not fit your baby best, etc. You'll get recommendations all over the place for all different kinds and it can get overwhelming for a newbie.

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  • Thanks so much, ladies.  This gives me a lot of options to check out!
  • Best Loved Baby in Tacoma carries lots of natural baby products including carriers & CDs: www.bestlovedbaby.com
  • Another tip is if you find something in person you really like and find it cheaper on Amazon - definitely buy it there! They now have an awesome no questions asked, 365 day returns policy on their baby store items.
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