Twice this week Abbey has thrown up and choked on it. On sunday, she ate, burped and was laying on the couch on her back when she threw up a huge amount of what looked a lot like snot mixed with a little milk. She turned blue, I suctioned her, DH freaked out and we went to the ER where they assured me that it is nearly impossible for baby to aspirate on their vomit because their body shuts off the throat, therefore causing them to turn blue. Our doctor agreed at the appointment on thursday.
Fast forward to Friday. she was laying on the living room floor after her bath. I had her on her tummy this time and was letting her little butt air out when she let out a scream and started crying hysterically. I thought the dog might have stepped on her but I picked her up and she had the same snot/ milk combination coming out her nose and a huge puddle on the blanket that she was laying on. i suctioned her but this time it took 20 minutes for her to catch her breath. She kept gagging and then sticking her tongue (like someone was choking her) and then she would start kicking her feet.... then she would finally catch her breath. It was the most awful feeling in the world but she was catching her breath and I was just telling myself what the doctor told me on Thursday... In all his 35 year he has never seen a child aspirate on vomit... that didn't really make me feel better.
So I plan on calling the doc on Monday and discussing with him but, does anyone have a child with reflux and does this sound like it could be reflux. It doesn't happen everytime she eats but I don't know what else it could be. It looks like a lot of snot but, she has not ran a fever and has not been sick. I am afraid to even lay her in her bed at night because I think she will do this again and I will not hear her.
Re: She keeps choking... (long)
Our LO has spit up snot with milk a couple of times, but he has never choked on it like your LO. I'm pretty sure it's left over mucus that never came up at birth. Eating and bathing would both loosen the musus to make it easier to get it up.
I would be looking for a second opinion on the choking though. I hope you get it figured out.