At my 39 week check up my OB told me to start thinking of an "end date" for a c-section in case I am two weeks overdue because I can't use any medicated induction methods (cervadil, pitocin).
She is in no rush to cut, but also said sometimes just putting pen to paper makes the baby come on its own. BUT, I want to make sure I try everything possible before a c-section to enusre a VBAC.
I'm going to try accupuncture, but what else is there? Castor oil? Lots of sex? Long walks? Help me out ladies!
Re: natural induction tips?
I would not do castor oil. It can be really unpleasant.
-Lots of walking
-Lots of sex
-Evening Primrose Oil, which can be taken orally and vaginally... I'd ask your OB/MW to see how much they recommend taking
-Red Raspberry Leaf tea... you can get it most places like Target, there is a brand by traditional medicinals
-Fresh pineapple
nipple stimulation is the only at home method I can add from the above.
I believe some ladies on the board have had success with acupuncture as well.
ETA: Oops...missed that one the first time.
Haha, I just came back because I was thinking about it and was going to come back and add nipple stimulation to the list.
But yeah, I agree that it sounds like acupuncture is usually the most successful.
Are you dilating at all?
We tried a lot to induce with DD, nothing worked. Walking and sex always gave me really strong contractions, but I never went into labor on my own. I guess it did sort of help since I was halfway dilated when my water was broke to start labor.
Thanks for the tips! I think I'm too nervous to take the castor oil because my stools are loose enough as it is and I don't want to be on the toilet any more than I already am. Today I bought the primrose oil pills (I am debating taking them orally or breaking them to put on my cervix) and rasperry leaf tea.
I am dialated a finger tip and 50% effaced.