Cloth Diapering

Fluffy Mail!! (AI2 tester from tangerine baby)




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Re: Fluffy Mail!! (AI2 tester from tangerine baby)

  • So cute! I wish I could buy girly prints : (
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  • Adorable. Girly prints are so much cuter than the boy prints. Jealous. 
  • imageRobinSparkles214:
    So cute! I wish I could buy girly prints : (
  • Love the print! What's a tester? Is it something that isn't being sold yet?
    DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
    DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
    TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
  • imageAimeeL85:
    Love the print! What's a tester? Is it something that isn't being sold yet?

    Yeah.  When a maker (WAHM or commercial) wants to come out with a new diaper they'll have mom's test their prototypes and give feedback.  Often they are a bit cheaper (or sometimes free) since they aren't proven yet. 

    QueenBee- super jealous!  I love Tangerine baby!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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