

You have not been around much, missy!

What is up w/ you (besides #3, right?)?  Also, I think you need new sig pics.  

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  • HA! I know....the siggies are way old :)

    Just got done with school and loving that I am going to be out for months because this little one is supposed to be coming on the first day of school.  Lovely timing, I know.  Still have no name.  You would think after two boys I could come up with something.....

     How the hell are you?  Your kids are freaking adorable. 

    and wow...just noticed that you are platinum poster.  you should get some kind of kickback for that ;)

  • It's kind of embarrassing, but I don't even post here much - I generally post on the nest's Politics board.  :)  I had to go hunting for a new time waster, lol!

    I squee'd out loud when I saw you were having a girl!  It's a lot of fun, I must say.  Scarlett is rotten though, and I can guarantee with two older brothers, yours will be rotten too!  Scarlett has everyone in this house wrapped around her tiny little finger.

    We're doing well here...nothing exciting is really going on.  Jackson's out of school for the summer, and Scarlett is crawling and climbing all over the place.  Jeff calls her the bulldozer b/c she always just pushes Jackson and everyone else right out of her path.

    I can't wait to see pics and hear the name you pick out!  Are the boys excited??

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  • The boys are super excited...but I am worried she is going to be a little spoiled brat :)  J and the boys spent the day working on "sissy's" room.  I am doing a vintage Barbie theme....can get that part down but not the damn name! :)

    But, yes, super excited about a weird to think about.  I had a parent in my kinder class this year that made me, no lie, probably 50 bows.  Can't wait :)

    We need a SSLNN meeting soon.  I miss all you girls and we need to catch up.  where are the crazies when we need em?!?  I miss the days of jlk and shayna! HA!

  • DUDE.  DUDE.  I still see JLK around on another board.  Let's just say...she has not changed.  I don't interact with her for the most part, but mostly because the boards are heavily moderated so I avoid the drama.  Not worth it to me.

    VINTAGE BARBIE?!?!?!  OMG, I love it!  You better either post pics here or on FB.  You know I'm a Barbie addict right?  Scarlett's first Barbies are going to be the GWTW series Barbies.  I have one already but need to buy the other 3.  I'm probably going to give them to her for her birthday since we're doing a GWTW theme, but like she'll give a sh*t...ha!

    And yes, we definitely need a catch up - besides you'll be needing something to do in the middle of the night during feedings this fall!  I know that's partially why I reached platinum - I was bored while feeding Scarlett!

    Jeff spoils Scarlett like no other and talks about how she is his angel baby.  I told him when she's a holy terror at 16, I'll be at the spa and he can tell her why she can't get her belly button pierced, get a tattoo and date a 21YO.  Luckily for you, you have two boys who can scare the boys away!

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  • hahaha!!! love the jeff spoiling scarlett.  that is FANTASTIC! since j works at a high school he is already paranoid about a teenage girl....and what they wear. :)

    And how did I forget about those middle of the night feedings...I think since Luke and Drew are going to be 6 and 4 when she is born, I have blocked all that baby stuff out ;) but you are right....this place just needs to pick it up a little. :)

    And of course jlk hasn't changed.  those were the good ol days!  cc and overspending I am sure. 

    once the room is done I will post pics...I am hoping in the next few days.  I have been getting lots of Lila and Ruby's hand-me-downs so I can't wait to start stocking her closet!

    Is Jackson off to kinder next year?

  • LOL, I still remember when I was KTFU w/ Jackson, we went out to eat with my cousin and some of her volleyball teammates (they were around 14), and Jeff about had a stroke at what they were wearing.  The best part to me is that he denied he would be like this and always said I was being dumb when I said I hoped we had a girl so I could see him be completely goofy over her... and I was right!  I love being right.  ;)

    I bet 6 and 4 will be great ages!  Jackson turned 4 2w after we had Scarlett, and it has been a lovely age difference.  He's interested and excited enough, but is also old enough to do his own thing.  Hopefully baby girl goes easy on you and sleeps through reasonably early.  :)

    you would not believe the stuff JLK buys now.  I mean, it's none of my business, but let's just say we are not talking J&J/Gymbo price points.  I find it hilarious, but whatever.  

    I bet Lila and Ruby have some awesome hand me downs for you to stock the closet with!  My BFF had a baby girl last week and tomorrow I am taking her two boxes of clothes.  She is not into it like I am so I anticipate her making fun of me relentlessly.

    Oh!  And Jackson will start K in 2012 - the cut off date here is the day before his birthday, so we have another year of preschool - I wasn't ready for him to go to K yet anyway.  Plus, if we move back to Indiana at any point, the cut off there is like July (vs. 9/30 here), which would put him way younger than most of the kids vs. just being one of the youngest.

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