I've been initiated, ladies. Tonight at dinner/baby shower from H's work.
Waitress: Oh, we're having a baby shower. What are you having?
H: We are having twin girls!
Waitress: Oh, wow! Well, I hope they're identical.
H and I: They're fraternal.
Waitress: Oh. Okay. *walks away*
Seriously? We're going to see if we can trade them in for an identical pair. WTF?
Re: Got my first dumb twin comment tonight...
I don't get why she'd hope YOUR twins are identical? That doesn't even make sense lol.
Oh wait.. If they're fraternal, they aren't REALLY twins, right? According to what I read yesterday.. Hahaha.
THIS! She's just wishing that they are identical so *you* don't look dumb calling them 'twins' ::eyeroll::
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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