So these, are our newest "top" names.
I think we are pretty much over the name "Gianna" right now. As much as we love it, we really don't see it being "us".
We really want something that's Feminine and Classic/Traditional but can have a fun/trendy nickname. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Less then 3 weeks and this whole naming process will be over and i can leave all you girls alone! Thanks again! [Poll]
Re: Newest girl clicky poll....
I voted for Adaline, but I think I prefer the spelling Adeline. Like the pp, I don't see Ava as a nn.
Lorelei and Audrey are nice too though. I agree with you on Gianna, I think it's nice but I'm see it so much on this board. I see the other two a lot as well, but I had seen them in real life before, so I guess I was used to it.
If I ever had a girl I'd consider using Lorelei, so it definitely gets my vote.
I can't wait to see what you end up choosing!!
BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15
I am sticking with Audrey Kate.
How are you getting Ava as a nn for Adaline?
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Your little girls are both SO CUTE! Love both of their names!
I really like Audrey Kate, but DH wants to name her Audrey Catherine because that's his grandmothers name (Who is a WONDERFUL lady). but I like how Audrey Kate sounds better....So you call her Audrey Cate but have all her paperwork say Audrey Catherine? That might be a good idea...
Yes, her full name is Audrey Catherine so anything we fill out formally has that name. It's funny b/c we never planned on calling her Audrey Cate, it just came to be one day and we loved the way it sounded
I don't write 'Cate' very often, mostly on the blog or on emails/texts to family. For example, on Abigail's birth announcements I wrote 'proud sister Audrey Catherine'. I like your husband's idea, it's more formal but you still get the cute nn
/page.aspx?username=BabyBurns" href="">My Blog
This may sound totally odd, but just looking at the picture of the two of you, I think you look like Audrey people.
I love totally gets my vote.
OP, I voted for Adaline, but I only stand by this choice if you use the traditional spelling of Adeline. Otherwise, I vote for Audrey. Don't worry, you can still use Ada as a nickname with the Adeline spelling.
I'm not sure about Ava though. I'm usually okay with nicknames that don't exactly match the full name, but I think for Ava, you need to at least have an A and a V somewhere in the full name. Would you consider using Avelina, Aveline, Avery, Avila, or Avril?