We are having twins...one of each and need help!
Here is what we have so far for girls:
Rachel Debra
Violet Debra
Abigail Debra
Autumn Debra
and for boys:
David Michael or David Adam
Rudy Michael
Samual Michael
Ryan Michael
Caleb Michael
Braun Michael
We need all the help we can get....so bring on the opinions! I can take it!
Re: Help...hubby and I can't agree!
I like Abigail Debra and Ryan Michael the best.
Well...Braun reminds me of Eva Braun, so I would definitely strike that one from the boy's list.
Abigail is way too popular. I know a few baby Abigail's already and I don't even spend that much time around kids. I'd strike it from your list, if I were you (you know...since you're looking for reasons to strike names off anyway).
I LOVE Violet and Caleb.
Violet and Caleb. Since you asked, I would say my least favorite is Samual Michael, because of the repetition in sounds. M-al, M-al.
Violet and Caleb.
I like the name Samuel (when spelled with an 'e'), but I think there are too many repetitive sounds in Samuel Michael.