Just want to say good luck, and sending tons of TEXAS sized sticky baby vibes your way!!!
Mommies to 5 fur babies!
TTC#1 since 2004
4 cycles @ home with known donor - BFN
RE un-medicated IUI cycles # 1-7= BFN
Clomid 50mg/ Ovidrel/ IUI #8 BFN
Took long break
Nov 2009 - Clomid 50mg/ Ovidrel/IUI #9 = BFP
Beta 12/4 - 10...Beta #2 12/7- 28 Beta #3 12/9 - 80!
1st sonogram 12/28 - slow hb and growth
m/c 1/1/2010 Courtland 8w0d
Nov 2010 cycle cancelled - polyp removal/hysteroscopy
April 4 2011 - IUI #10 BFFN
July 5, 2011 - #11 BFFN
AMH .62 Boo
Re: ~labbylover~
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1