
7 year old twins and then trips?

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Re: 7 year old twins and then trips?

  • I never liked Dr. Hux - who is always on a baby's story.

    Well he just said "the risk of complications for these triplets born at 34 weeks is no greater than if they were full term."


    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
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    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
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  • I am watching right now, so crazy!!!!  I missed the beginning did they use fertility medications???

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  • imagekmb585:

    I am watching right now, so crazy!!!!  I missed the beginning did they use fertility medications???

    She didn't say about the twins, but said something like we had to do more and more invasive procedures (after trying on their own for 6 mon) and finally it was the most invasive procedure.

    So Im thinking she did IVF.

    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
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    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
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  • cadencaden member

    Oh wow.

    At my MFM's office there was a birth announcement of a family that had trips (via IUI) but the announcement was for their next round - of spontaneous ID twins. They also later had a spontaneous singleton. The announcement of the twins said on the cover "We always said twins would be easy", and on the inside, "Be careful what you wish for" w/ a pic of all 5 kids. lol 

  • I know someone who had triplet boys, and then a year later, twin girls. all spontaneous. and someone else who had twins, a singleton, then triplets.

    i quit while i was ahead. ;)

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    The different types of twins and triplets
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  • My great grandparents had 14 children, all were either twins or triplets.  None survived except for my grandpa and his sister. 
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  • I think I'd cry... :) Or break into hysterical laughter and have to be admitted to the loony bin!
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  • imagecaden:

    Oh wow.

    At my MFM's office there was a birth announcement of a family that had trips (via IUI) but the announcement was for their next round - of spontaneous ID twins. They also later had a spontaneous singleton. The announcement of the twins said on the cover "We always said twins would be easy", and on the inside, "Be careful what you wish for" w/ a pic of all 5 kids. lol 


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