Cloth Diapering

Eek, did I make a mistake?!

I haven't been around much lately, life has been crazy!

 Today I washed a load of Sofie's laundry and discovered that her Super Stretch Soaker from Monkey Snuggles was caught up in the load. 

Have I damaged my wool?! (I washed once, hot wash, cold rinse, with RnG detergent).

 I haven't dried the load yet, so I am planning to lay the soaker flat to dry, but what should I do next?

Apparently DH threw it in the hamper with the clothing this morning...

Dee, Mommy to: Sofia, born 2/9/11, as well as three dogs, two cats and a multitude of chinchillas. Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Eek, did I make a mistake?!

  • Did it shrink?  If it shrank you may be SOL, though you can try stretching it back out while it dries.  If it didn't shrink, you'll need to relanolize but should be OK.

    (My DH threw one of my WCW soakers in the laundry once and I didn't see it until I was moving things into the dryer.  That was traumatic for both of us :P)

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  • Lay it flat to dry and it may be okay. Try stretching it some. I washed a wcw once too. Dh now knows wool does not go in the diaper pail. It was fine though.
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  • It looks okay size-wise... I put it out flat to dry. Hopefully the cats don't try to lay on it.

    I'll be planning to re-lanolize soon I guess!

    Dee, Mommy to: Sofia, born 2/9/11, as well as three dogs, two cats and a multitude of chinchillas. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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