Anyone have experience with this? We live in a pretty spacious 2 bedroom. The kitchen is small but the rest of our place is decent. DH wants to get a bigger place but I really am not going to feel like moving with a 1 month old (when our lease would be up.. we're pretty stuck here till then.
I figure LO#2 will be in our room until sleeping through the night (to avoid as much disturbance to DS) and we have plenty of room in the living room to add a swing/jumparoo and some other baby things.
I'm not totally crazy right?
Re: 2 bed rooms... 2u2?
Our house has 3 bedrooms but I'm planning to have my 2 share.
We both live in different cities than our parents though so having a guest room is really important.
We have a 2 bedroom. Right now, DD is in our room in her crib until she is consistently sleeping through the night. Our bedrooms are great size. The living room is pretty small, but we still have a swing, glider, & changing table in there.
Works just fine for us!