Cloth Diapering

Soft Bums?

Anyone use them?  Are they like the Flip?

Re: Soft Bums?

  • I thought they looked good but I have heard they can be bulky. Not really like the Flip, no.
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  • The owner of my local cloth diaper store talked me into to trying one and I love it. It is my favorite CD right now. I don't find it to be more bulky than any of my other pockets. You can either use the pods as a snap in or stuff it with any insert. The pods are very absorbent. And the miss kitty print is adorable on DD. I have never used flips so I can't compare.
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  • I didn't like my Soft Bums at first, but since DD has grown, I really like them. I plan to buy some more at some point, but they're a tiny bit pricey. I've never re-used the shell, because I always forget that you're supposed to be able to, but I still like them even though I treat them like an AIO.

    I don't have any experience with Flips. 

    Dee, Mommy to: Sofia, born 2/9/11, as well as three dogs, two cats and a multitude of chinchillas. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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