1st Trimester

I know its been asked a zillion times....

When did your MS start. I have no symptoms at all! I should be 6 weeks Sat. I have no sore breasts, no nausea, no fatigue. I AM having some light brown tinged creamy discharge. My doc is out of town this week and I am going to the beach next week. I am a ball of nerves waiting to see if all is okay. My hcg levels last Wed and Fri where right on track. This is #2 for me and I cant help but being a big hot mess. I was never like this with #1. I wont even let myself get excited about the pregnancy yet and am debating whether or not to even tell my family this weekend. I hate to bug my doctors nurse for no reason. Is it just too early for symptoms? I need some encouragement.
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Re: I know its been asked a zillion times....

  • I'm at 4 weeks and I'm already feeling some serious MS symptoms.  Sore breasts, nausea and dizziness.  It totally sucks.  Plus, I'm finding that some days I'm really hungry and other days I don't want to eat a thing!
  • Just lurking, but mine started exactly at 7 weeks. Up until then I had no symptoms, then all the sudden the upset stomach and soon to be vomiting began.

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  • What is it with second pregnancies and being MORE nervous?  You'd think it would be the other way around (I've been the same way).  I wouldn't worry too much.  I was sick as a dog with my first starting at 6 weeks but this time it didn't kick in until later in the week of week 6 and it is hardly anything compared to last time.  I'm sure it'll be here soon enough for you.
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  • I am 4 weeks and have similar concerns. I have had some slight nauseous feelings but otherwise not much! My breasts just started to get slightly sore, but again nothing like what I am expecting. Hoping everything works out for you! :)
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  • try not to worry.  every pregnancy is different and that'd be awesome if you didn't get any m/s this time around!  ;)

    with my 1st pg i didn't get m/s until about 6 or so weeks.  this time around, i'm already starting to feel crappy and i'm only 4.5w!  

    (( hugs ))

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  • I never had any symptoms either until the end of my 6th week. However, you may not really have any! My best friend never had any symptoms and she and her LO were/are just fine. My symptoms are starting to go away. Your discharge sounds like what's left over from your implantation bleeding. I wouldn't worry Hon and enjoy being symptom free! I hope you're still feeling great at the beach with your fam! Tell them if you want and maybe hold off on telling others until your more comfortable. Congrats and good luck! ((hugs))
  • ghdst1ghdst1 member

    I am a little over 5 weeks and have only had 1 or 2 days of feeling sick.  Symptoms can be very different with each pregnancy and throughout a pregnancy. 

    With DS I had the sorest boobs in the world and I have no pain with #2.  So different!

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  • It is so different for everyone.  Some people don't ever get sick or achy.  Sometimes I think it's helpful to not let yourself go there with m/c thoughts (I know it's easier said than done!) .   But as much as you can, just focus on being positive.  This is coming from someone who is naturally a worrier...so i know how you feel!

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  • lacyj3lacyj3 member
    I have not gotten sick at all. I get naseous every once in awhile, but no throwing up. I do get tired pretty easily though.
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