When did your MS start. I have no symptoms at all! I should be 6 weeks Sat. I have no sore breasts, no nausea, no fatigue. I AM having some light brown tinged creamy discharge. My doc is out of town this week and I am going to the beach next week. I am a ball of nerves waiting to see if all is okay. My hcg levels last Wed and Fri where right on track. This is #2 for me and I cant help but being a big hot mess. I was never like this with #1. I wont even let myself get excited about the pregnancy yet and am debating whether or not to even tell my family this weekend. I hate to bug my doctors nurse for no reason. Is it just too early for symptoms? I need some encouragement.
Re: I know its been asked a zillion times....
try not to worry. every pregnancy is different and that'd be awesome if you didn't get any m/s this time around!
with my 1st pg i didn't get m/s until about 6 or so weeks. this time around, i'm already starting to feel crappy and i'm only 4.5w!
(( hugs ))
Make a pregnancy ticker
I am a little over 5 weeks and have only had 1 or 2 days of feeling sick. Symptoms can be very different with each pregnancy and throughout a pregnancy.
With DS I had the sorest boobs in the world and I have no pain with #2. So different!