Infertility Veterans

Question about bed rest after ET.

I know it's been asked a million times but how do you interpret bed rest after ET? 

What I've done is basically leave the clinic, lay flat in the car the whole way home and then have DH drop me off in front of the house to minimize walking.  I walk in the house and lay on the couch and try not to move for the entire day.  I try to limit my bathroom breaks once I'm home and definitely try not to go #2.  I eat lunch laying on the couch and also dinner laying on the couch and then I'll go upstairs to go to bed. 

I'll go bak on bed rest the following day until about noon.   

I've been happy with my routine when it's just DH and me but for this upcoming cycle, my mom is going to have to take me to ET and then she's going to stay with me.  I don't know why, but I'm embarassed about my little routine.  Is it normal or am I being a little extreme? 

Tell me what you do after ET....

TTC Since 10/08 4 IUIs=BFNx4
IVF#1=BFP!! Twins!!
Bradley and Billy born and lost on 2/2/11 at 19w2d due to pPROM/PTL. I miss you, little angels.
IVF#3=c/p IVF#4=Empty Follicle Syndrome; 1 mature, fertilized, & made it to blast. 5dt of "the lone ranger" on 9/6. Please stick, little one! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Question about bed rest after ET.

  • My clinic only tells patients to take it easy for 24 hours after ET.  So, I go home (sometimes I drive home!) and sit on the couch.  I get up to go to the bathroom, if necessary.  The next day I head back to work.

    Have you asked your clinic as to what kind of bedrest they think is necessary?

    I think that if you are happy with your routine, you should stick to it when your mom is around.  You should make sure you are comfortable with what you are doing and don't worry about what your mom might think.  I'll bet she doesn't give it a second thought.

    Good luck!

    *P/SAIFW* TTC since 1/08 Clomid, 2 IUIs, 4 IVFs, FET 7 losses Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Did your clinic not give you specific instructions?  Mine only does modified bedrest, so keeping to bed, chair, couch as much as possible on day of ET (w/normal eating and bathroom) and then normal activity the next day.
    TTK 9/06 / TTC 10/08 / Twins 12/11 / Life Blog
    5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
    IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
    FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
    twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
    Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first

    Thankful for every day

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  • My RE recommends "light activity" for 5 days after ET.  I did modified bed/couch rest for 4 days and went back to work on day 5.  Last time, I only took 2 days off after ET.

    FWIW, I don't think you should be embarrassed by laying on the couch with your mom there.  And I wouldn't worry about your bathroom habits.  Pregnant people have to do that, too.

    IVF #3 = Feb 2012
    beta#1 3/21 (14dp3dt)=413, beta#2 3/23 (16dp3dt)=785, u/s 4/11
    EDD 11/25/12
    **SAIFW** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think you should do what makes you comfortable.  Different clinics have different "rules" and people get pregnant with extreme BR and while not doing anything.  Good luck!
    TTC since April 2009 dx = PCOS; TTC History for DS - A FET miracle after 7 IUIs; 2 fresh transfers, and 1 other FET resulted in BFNs. Hoping and Praying for baby #2: Cycle 1 - FET; November 2012 BFN Next Steps - who knows? Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Hey girl!  How are stims going?  I keep checking for your updates and have a really great feeling about this cycle for you!  My RE recommends 48hrs of bedrest/couch potato.  For me it usually means pretty much what you described.  Just minimize how much I move around and pretty much just lay around.  Fortunately for me I am able to work from home a lot so the bed rest doesn't mean I am not working.

    I agree with PP that you should continue to do what makes you comfortable.  You don't want to second guess your actions later on.  This last cycle while I did to bed rest for almost 3 full days following ET, day 4 and 5 following ET were I think a bit too much activity with miles of walking all day in extreme heat while I was sightseeing in DC.  In my head I know that probably didn't impact the cycle or cause it to fail.. but in my heart I kind of wonder if things would have turned out differently if I hadn't been so active.  Just not worth living with the "what if" so do what makes you comfortable.

    ***SAIF & PAIF Welcome***

    TTC since November 2008; me - poor egg quality,hypothyroidism,missing beta 3 integrin;
    DH - some MFI;

    1 month clomid plus timing - BFN;
    3 months clomid + IUI - BFN BFN BFN

    IVF #1 Nov/Dec 2009 - BFP - c/p;
    IVF #2.1 Jan 2011 - Converted to IUI - BFN;
    IVF #2.2 March/April 2011 - ER 3/23/11: 12 retrieved, 8 mature, 3 fert-ET 3dt 3/26/11: 3 embies - BFN;
    IVF #3 May 2011 - ER 5/19/11: 20 retrieved, 10 mature, 9 fert-ET 5dt 5/24/11 3 embies - BFN;
    Switched RE's for IVF #4 (CCRM) Oct 2011 - Surprise BFP before starting IVF #4!
  • My RE recommends bed rest for 48 hours.  It is more of a modified bed rest in that I can lay or sit on couch and can get up for bathroom or meals as needed; and obviously no strenuous activity or horse back riding!  :-)

    At the end of the day, I would do what is comfortable.  I do not see anything wrong with being more conservative that what the clinic might say - at least you know it can't hurt.  I would also see what your clinic says as well.  Much luck to you!

    TTC since 3/07. IVF#1 = canceled. IVF#2 = 0% fertilization. IVF#3 = BFN. IVF#4 = c/p.  
    Moving forward with Adoption 2017!
  • Don't be embarassed!

    For IVF 1 I did 3 days of bed/couch rest - just like you explained.  For IVF 2 I did 4 days.  My clinic only told me to take it easy for a couple of days, but I wanted to do everything I could to help the LOs along.  Basically, I just didn't want to look back and say, "I shoulda...".  Ya know.  Do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

    Good luck!

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