Eco-Friendly Family

Fav washable dust mop?

We have all wood floors, a dog that sheds, and a toddler that loves to play outside :) OH, and a husband that laughed at me when I suggested we do not wear shoes in the house. 

I vacuum daily (I love it... crazy cakes I know) and I use a dust mop every other day. I can do the entire first floor in about 10 minutes (vacuum and dust mop) so it's really not that big of a deal. However, I only have one washable dust mop "head" that I wash w/ towels, but I don't wash my towels every other day.

I'd like a few "replacement" heads... does that make sense? Right now I use one by Rubbermaid... and it's fine but doesn't blow me away.  

Any recs?

I had no idea where to post this.  I know a lot of people use swifers but I am waaaay too crunchy and eco-friendly for that, so I figured this was as good a board as any.


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Re: Fav washable dust mop?

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    Is your dust mop kind of like a swiffer? A lot of the ladies just use a micofiber cloth over the head instead. There are premade ones that you can find on etsy that might fit your mop head better depending on what it is.

    Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
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    They aren't cheap, but I got a Norwex mop set for a wedding present. It's awesome. I have dry mop heads and wet mop heads, they wash up great, they work wonderfully...I can't say enough about them, really.
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