Health & Exercise

Triathletes: Training and Race WWYD?

Hi Ladies!  I haven't been around this board much lately, but thanks your previous good advice I've selected and have been training for my first sprint tri on July 23 (using my old mountain bike with road tires).  I just got notice that the Tri I've been targeting is cancelled (due the high cost of DOT involvement).  WTF?

Training has been going well.  I can swim 1000m pretty easily, bike 12+ miles and run well over 5k.  I've done a few 2 per day workouts, but nothing consecutive.  With that in mind, which backup option would you pick?

#1 - 10 days out:  Swim 550y, Bike 12 miles, Run 5k 

#2 - 30 days out:  Swim 250y, Bike 10 miles, Run 2 miles

 Option 1 feels aggressive since I haven't done many 2 per day workouts and NO transitions.  Option 2 seems like it will be too easy (or not??) in 30 days.  Both?

I really appreciate your suggestions.  Thanks!

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Re: Triathletes: Training and Race WWYD?

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    Sure, why not both? Make your next workout a brick workout including all transitions and you'll feel better. You can also set up your stations at home and run through transitions in your front yard or living room sans bike. If this is your first tri, chances are that you'll catch the tri bug and be glad you have another lined up.:) Super fun. GL!
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    FloF9FloF9 member

    Personally, I like to play it safe so I would opt for the 30 days out and start preparing for that one, and make sure I am 100% comfortable with the transitions.


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    The first Tri I did was like #2 and I loved it!  The transitions aren't hard but definitly take a little getting used to.  Good luck on which ever you decide to do!
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    you are always more prepared than you think.  i woudl not waste your time with #2 just go for #1- those are the typical sprint tri distances anyways.  When in training I rarely do a full brick (all 3)- i usually to a 2 a day on the weekends ie: swim then bike but definately bike then run- to get your legs used to it- that seems to be the toughest.  As far as transitions go, just get one tri under your belt that is the only way to really know what to do to be honest. you will do great though just have fun!
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    I say got for #1 its 10 days out but you seem like you are ready, like PP said you will be glad after theres another one to sign up for
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    As a competitive lifter myself - I'd say BOTH!

     Here's the thing though, only YOU know YOUR BODY.  Trust your body and your instincts.  You know, go in for the fun of it!  You don't know what pranks your body is going to pull 30 days from now, so by doing both you've got a chance to "practice" with the first and aim for the second.  There are always things you will learn from competing that you wouldn't gain from training. 

    Go for it, but most of all, HAVE FUN DOING IT!  You won't regret what you did do, only what you didn't.

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