Cloth Diapering

Can I do this?

I usually do diaper laundry early in the day - but we were gone until 5pm today and it's just now going through the wash - so no time to dry my wetbags outside.  Because we aren't using the pail yet (it's in LOs room) all my wetbags get used - so I have none for tonight.

Can I put them all through the dryer one time (well, one more time since I did it all to seal them in the beginning) without ruining them? I've got 2 FB, 1 MFD, 1 Planetwise, and a SMJAE wetbag.  Do I dry them separately on like a lower heat?  I dry everything else on high (prefolds, GM and KL0s) FWIW.

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Re: Can I do this?

  • Of course you can
  • I always dry my pail liners and wet bags and I haven't had any issues.

    BFP #1: MC at 6w2d 11/24/09 BFP #2: 4/8/10-DD born 12/15/10 BFP #3: MC/CP? 2/5/12 ~4w BFP #4: Eptopic-Laparoscopy & D&C 4/16/12 ~6w BFP #5: 6/19/12 Due 3/5/13 Pregnancy Ticker
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  • It's no big deal. mine go through the dryer all the time. If you are worried though you could always just put the diapers in a plastic shipping bag for the night :)
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  • Mine came with instructions to dry it on medium.
  • I always dry mine in the dryer for one cycle. 
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  • Yay!! Thanks, mamas! I've been taking fish oil as recommended by LO's pediatrician - and might I add all my diapers when peed in have a lovely fish smell to them (it's so disgusting) - so a clean smell sealing wetbag is a must :)
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  • I run mine through all the time.
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