I am currently pregnant with my second baby. I had an emergency c section with my daughter in November 2010. They will be about 14 months apart. I am considering a vbac. The c section was an awful experience and I hated every part of it. I had irregular labor that started 4 mins apart and went to 2 mins apart with in hours. By the time I got to the hospital I was i had a 30 second break between contractions. I spent 7 hours in labor before giving in to an epidural. I only reached 3 1/2 cm. Soon after the babys heart rate was in distress and the dr said I had to have a c section. Come to find out she was sunnyside up and just not progressing.
Fast forward to now. I have had two appointments with the dr already. The first one I asked if there were going to be issues because the babies are so close together. I was worried that there isnt enough healing time but he assured me that was fine and lightly touched on a scheduled c section or a vbac. He assured me we would discuss later on in the pregnancy. At the second appointment he basically said have you made your descion on having a repeat c section? I was surprised that I had to make a choice already since he really didnt give me any info about each choice. He then stated that there is only a 50/50 chance of a vbac working. And then went into the dangers of rupture and that I would most likely end up with another emergency c section.
I have a few questions. Has anyone had a vbac with babies this close together? Does my irregular contractions and failure to progress rule a vbac out? I will need an epidural. I was unable to move by the end it was so painful. Does that just rule a vbac out all together? I feel that if I am going to pursue this I will need to change drs. I am fine with that. If you know a vbac friendly dr in Ct let me know. Thank you for your help.
Re: Need some info on vbac
I'm glad you realize you will need a new doctor because that was the first thing I was going to mention. Your doctor is not VBAC friendly and the information he's giving you is wrong.
VBAC does not have a 50% success rate. Average VBAC success rate is 75%.
Failure to progress does not rule out a VBAC at all. Your baby's OP position could have been a big factor in why things didn't progress. There are a lot of us on here who had c/s with OP babies and then had a VBAC. Studies show that when a mother had a primary c/s for FTP or CPD, she still has at least a 60% chance of having a VBAC.
I know of at least one other person here who had VBAC with babies this close together. GL and find a new doctor! Even if you decide to have a c/s, you deserve a doctor who respects your autonomy and gives you accurate information.
My first DD was sunny side up, and my contractions were ridiculous. I did eventually fully dilate, but it took three days of hell and pitocin to get there, and she still wouldn't come out.
Labor with my VBAC baby was night and day. It wasn't AN. Y. WHERE. near as painful or intense, it progressed a lot more quickly (though I wouldn't call it quick? I guess I just have long labors). I wouldn't assume your next labor would be as painful as the first, and you might not even feel like you need an epidural. But that said, I got one, and I loved it. I wasn't in all that much pain, but I wasn't able to sleep, and I was just too tired! The epidural let me sleep and relax. It absolutely does NOT rule out a VBAC. In fact, some doctors require an epi for VBACs so that it's already in place should something go wrong.
I agree with Iris that another doctor is probably for the best even if you schedule an RCS. Someone who doesn't press you for decisions before giving you the chance to talk about it!