Cloth Diapering

BG not fitting LO snuggly...

I'm having a hard time getting the BG I bought to fit snuggly around her legs and flat against her belly. If I get her to stretch her legs, they look snug but as soon as she pulls her legs up froggy style - there is a gap between her leg and the elastic and the flap at the belly gaps a bit. She's a little meatball at 13.5lbs. so it's not like she's rocking super thin legs or anything...

I'm using the velcro BG if that makes a difference with a newborn insert placed inside for extra absorbency (heavy wetter) and an insert set to small stuffed in the pocket. I have it set on the smallest snap setting and tried the middle one to see if that helped but it didn't.

Any tips on how to get these to fit more snug? I'm terrified of a blowout and avoiding our carrier just in case Wink

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: BG not fitting LO snuggly...

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