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Copernicus08:UGH! Pixy, this post always makes me want to barf for a split second when I think that I missed stocking :-P
LOL! Me too.
ananas19:I'm going to preemptively post here.
haha, I was going to post the same thing!
TOTAL FAIL!!!! Sorry.
A Frog, A Monkey and a Ladybug
well since Hyena Cart will not even let me log in I will be a big fat fail
BFP #1 - BFP #2 - Blog and Luck to my BFPB StephK!!- Emma is here!!
me too
ejgballerina:Fail. And not surprising.
i think i give up on tt.
thank you jenny and pixy for helping.
StellarStina26:Everyone who went for custom should refresh and check your cart... one is pending.
Re: TT Fail
LOL! Me too.
haha, I was going to post the same thing!
TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
My IF Blog: Between the Lines
My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama
TOTAL FAIL!!!! Sorry.
A Frog, A Monkey and a Ladybug
well since Hyena Cart will not even let me log in I will be a big fat fail
BFP #1 - BFP #2 - Blog
and Luck to my BFPB StephK!!- Emma is here!!
me too
i think i give up on tt.
thank you jenny and pixy for helping.