We did sleep training for DD when she was 5.5 months and it went great. We could put her down and she would go to bed and STTN. Now at 1, we've had a major sleep regression.
DD started walking on 5/13, got a cold on 5/16 and ever since then she has had problems going to sleep on her own. As soon as we walk out the door she starts to cry (not the case previously). If we stay in her room there is no crying and she really doesn't want to be held - in fact she pushes off of me and reaches for her crib so I know that she is ready for bed.
Do you think this is separation anxiety or a sleep regression from her newest milestone? Oh and she is starting to sprout a molar - she is fine through out the day so I'm not sure if she is just concentrating on the pain more when she is in her crib and not distracted by other stuff. We are going to give her a little ibuprofen tonight so we know she isn't in pain when we start.
We are going to do ferber like we did before - any suggestions if this is in fact a separation anxiety issue? Telling me about any experiences you've had with re-sleep training would be appreciated. I hear it may take longer now that she is a little older.
Re: Sleep Training Part Deux - thoughts?
Ours is more of a going to sleep problem than staying asleep - though she woke up last night, I went in and picked her up. I think she just needed a quick assurance that we were there because she cuddled me for about 30 seconds and then wanted to be put back down in her crib and she fell right back to sleep.
Has anyone done the sleep lady shuffle? Maybe that would be better....I just don't know.....
When you put her down and leave the room and she cries.. how long before you go back in to reassure her? Immediately? A few minutes?
Generally a few minutes. I think it is because we went in a little too quickly this last time when she was sick ( we had house guests we didn't want to disturb ) so I'm sure it is our fault.
And since then we've been going back probably too soon.
Charlie's a really good sleeper for the most part. But if he's super tired or grumpy/sick, he will cry for a little bit. I will let him go and he usually falls asleep or stops fairly quickly, without me going in to reassure him.
He does have a FP Seahorse and a few stuffed animals in his crib that he loves to cuddle with.. sometimes just snuggling him with one or two of them will also do the trick.
Hi Dana! Good to see you. I love your siggy pic of Sydney, too cute.
Tonight went ok. We only had to do 2 checks and she settled down and fell asleep just before the 3rd check - so about 20 minutes of crying. I hope tomorrow goes better and that she figures this out again quickly.
Oh and she has a few stuffed animals in her crib but she really isn't attached to any of them.