Pregnant after a Loss

Pregnant first cycle after miscarriage?

Hi ladies - I just experienced my second miscarriage (one in 2008 and this one) last Wednesday. It was induced with meds and the dr. said I can try again after my first period. I was just wondering how many of you got pregnant again your first cycle after the miscarriage? I know I could ovulate in 2-3 weeks and it is really tempting to try again then.

I would love to hear your experiences. Thanks ladies. 

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Re: Pregnant first cycle after miscarriage?

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    I got pregnant after the first cycle after my m/c. I used opk tests to find out when I was ovulating and did temps until my first period arrived. My cycles were much shorter than they used to be. The first cycle back I didn't get any good indications of ovulation with +opks, but DH and I covered our bases and tried daily for a week around the time I though ovulation might occur. Wish you the best of luck! Even if you do everything right, still only around a 30% chance per cycle, hope you are back here very soon:)
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    I am currently pregnant after a miscarriage at the very end of April.  Dr wanted us to wait till 1 cycle...we didn't try for this but condom mishap...and well we are pregnant.  I am already experiencing some problems, nothing major but have to take prometrium (basically progestrone) because my levels were a little low.  My first u/s is scheduled for monday so I'm trying not to get excited until then because I can see this ending in a m/c again...  But truely I would have waited until my first cycle to actually try again.  I have heard a lot of stories of people that got pregnant right after a m/c and ended up with healthy babies so that is good thought...Also the m/c in April was my first so, it hasn't really been a problem for me in the past to much.
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    we waited for one period, came 29 days after my miscarriage and got pregnant that first cycle trying.
    BFP #1: 1/27/11, mc 3/17/11 at 9w2d, baby measured at 8w3d, no heartbeat BFP #2: 5/13/11; beta #1: 382, beta #2: 7842. heartbeat: 103 at 6 weeks; 146 at 7 weeks, 165 at 9 weeks, 173 at 12 weeks, 158 at 16 weeks. BabyFruit Ticker
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    I had an early miscarriage in early Oct and then got PG in late October. My RE allowed me to cycle right away after the early loss.

    BFP #1 via IUI ~ L (Fatal Birth Defect) 4/7/10
    BFP #2 via IUI ~ m/c
    BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
    BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12

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    If I understand correctly, your doctor asked you to wait until you got your first AF post m/c to try again? Did he/she explain why? I know from the boards that doctors who ask patients to wait are usually for medical and emotional reasons. You will find success stories on here, but there are also losses because the body wasn't ready to receive another pregnancy so quickly, depending on the person's situation.

    ETA: I'm so so sorry for your losses.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP #1: 07/10/2009, Missed m/c, D&C 08/12/2009
    BFP #2: 01/31/2010, Identical Twins died in utero due to TTTS, D&E 05/19/2010
    BFP #3: 09/16/2010, natural m/c 9/21/2010
    PCOS & Bocornuate Uterus Dx 1.4.2011
    BFP #4: 01/11/2011
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    quezzoquezzo member
    We waited the one cycle that was requested by my doctor and it still didn't turn out good. We miscarried again and I just think it was too soon. IMO, waiting just a bit is better, although you will find success stories on here too. 
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    I am so sorry for your loss. 

    I had a miscarriage Oct 18th and conceived this LO Nov 2nd.  I had the doctor's okay to go ahead and try right away.  So far we haven't had any issues with this pregnancy, I am due July 26th.  


    I would talk to your doctor about why s/he wants you to wait, as a general rule it is usually a good idea to listen to the doc, but if s/he wants you to wait purely for emotional reasons and you feel ready, then that is definitely your decision.  But again, talking to your doctor is probably the way to go.


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    My dr. told us to wait one cycle.  He said recent studies haven't shown an increase chance of m/c if you don't, but they prefer you wait one cycle, so you know your dates better.  With no LMP to date off of it can be a little stressful in the beginning.

    We waited the one, tried right away and got pg the first try.

    9.20.10 Natural M/C
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    We waited one cycle and got pregnant the next one. I had a D&C and it took 5 weeks for me to get my period back. Good luck!
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    I had a natural mc in Dec. 2009 and got pregnant again in Aug 2010 but then had a d&c in November 2010.  After those two losses, I wasn't ready to try again and went on the pill at my 4 week check up after the d&c. Well, my period never came and now I'm 26 weeks pregnant :)  I don't know if the d&c made a difference for me or not but there really wasn't very much trying involved this time (obviously).  I know how tempting it can be to try again right away.  Do whatever your heart is telling you to do.
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    I tried to ttc before getting my period after we miscarried, had EWCM about 2 weeks later and conceived then.  We had no real reason not to though.. it was an early miscarriage that didn't require a d&c and my midwife told me there was no evidence that not waiting a cycle (or 3) would increase our odds of having another miscarriage. 
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