Please be patient with me everyone -- I'm such a newbie, my LO hasn't even been born yet! I'm just starting to stock up on necessities and have decided to go the CD route, and only use disposables when we're out shopping or visiting. I live in Japan so my options are pretty limited. So far on Japanese websites I've come across Happy Heinys, Fuzzi Bunz, GroBaby, Bumwear, and Mommy's Touch. At first I considered HH because of them being one-size, but too many reviews said they ran big and weren't good for newborns. I think I've decided to go with Fuzzi Bunz, but how many will I need to get me through the first three months? I don't want to overstock since she'll be outgrowing them pretty soon.
Re: Total CD newbie -- how many do I need?
Hi from the October board! I'm a newbie at CD too. So I can't really answer your questions but I can tell you this. I decided to go with prefolds and covers for the newborn stage. Since it's a quick stage, prefolds are cheaper. I'm getting 24 prefolds and about 5 fitteds and covers.
Have you checked out the FAQ at the top of the page? Good links in there.
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