Cloth Diapering

Total CD newbie -- how many do I need?

Please be patient with me everyone -- I'm such a newbie, my LO hasn't even been born yet!  I'm just starting to stock up on necessities and have decided to go the CD route, and only use disposables when we're out shopping or visiting.  I live in Japan so my options are pretty limited.  So far on Japanese websites I've come across Happy Heinys, Fuzzi Bunz, GroBaby, Bumwear, and Mommy's Touch.  At first I considered HH because of them being one-size, but too many reviews said they ran big and weren't good for newborns.  I think I've decided to go with Fuzzi Bunz, but how many will I need to get me through the first three months?  I don't want to overstock since she'll be outgrowing them pretty soon.

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Re: Total CD newbie -- how many do I need?

  • Hi from the October board! I'm a newbie at CD too. So I can't really answer your questions but I can tell you this. I decided to go with prefolds and covers for the newborn stage. Since it's a quick stage, prefolds are cheaper. I'm getting 24 prefolds and about 5 fitteds and covers.

    Have you checked out the FAQ at the top of the page? Good links in there.

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  • It does seem overwhelming at first.  Look on the green bar at the top of the page - on the right side of it, there is a link to the FAQs.  They should answer most of your questions!
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • Definitely check out the FAQ link at the top of the page.  As far as a diaper that will fit from birth-potty doesn't really exist IMO!  Most one-size diapers will not fit a newborn.  You might want to consider prefolds/covers for the itty bitty stage.  I loved Green Mountain Diapers with the Thirsties covers for the newborn phase.  As far as the ones you listed.....I love Fuzzibunz perfect size.  We've been using the size Medium since he was a few months old.  He still has plenty of room to grow in them as well.  When he was a newborn, I had around 36 diapers and 3-4 covers.  Now that he's in one-size and the FB perfect size, we have around 30 diapers and I wash every three days. 
  • Thanks everyone and *wave* to Saemilyn!  I didn't realize there was a FAQ -- I will definitely check it out!
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