She had photos taken on Saturday, her christening & party on Sunday, and Monday was a lazy day. She slept normally on Saturday, a little more than normal on Sunday, and slept normally on Monday. Today? She seems like she's sleeping a lot more than she usually does. Doesn't seem especially fussy.
She doesn't have a fever. Growth spurt maybe? She's almost 12 weeks. Maybe her busy weekend finally caught up with her? I'm thinking about calling the dr, but since she doesn't have a fever I feel like a hysterical FTM.
Re: LO is sleeping a lot today - growth spurt?
Could be. Or she could just be tired. I don't remember worrying about sleeping too much at that age. DD was never a great napper at that age unless she slept on me.
Growth spurts are usually preceeded by being really hungry for a few days and then getting a little more sleep for a few days.
lol, I pretty much wasted her sleepy time wondering why she was sleeping. Maybe she's finally becoming a napper. She's typically not a napper, so of course I up & assumed something must be up/wrong.