I kind of fear posting on 0-3, lol.
James is 18 days old (I think...but I can't trust my counting anymore ).
We feed, burp, change of course. We rock. He swings a bit. I sing to him. I've read a few stories so that he hears more than my idle chatter. We stare at each other a lot. LOL.
Is my newborn understimulated? Bored? I haven't broken out the tummy-time mat yet but I could.
I am a clueless first-timer. Help.
Re: So, Um, What To Do With A Newborn?
Honestly, not much TO do at this stage. I'm sure he's fine. If he's eating, sleeping, peeing and pooping, he's doing all he should.
You can take him for walks in the early morning (when it isn't too hot).
Honestly, when Aaron was 3 weeks old, I just SLEPT whenever I could. LOL
And yes tummy time is VERY important (check out my blog and the brachycephaly section to see why) and if he'll tolerate the mat, go for it. But you can do that by having him lie face down on YOU. Though I wish I had done it more.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!
Robyn, where is the link to your blog? I'd like to check it out.
I've been having him lie on me on his tummy, yes, but maybe I'll take the mat out today.
What to do with a newborn? Relax!!!! You're doing just fine.
I know it's hard to grasp since, until now, we've all lived our lives with the ON button always on.
As BrideBuddies says, relax. Please forgive me but your baby is still in the "loaf of bread" stage. There is not much they can do. Snuggle and give alot of skin to skin time (really good for development) but other than that, recover from birth and relax.
I was just worried I was supposed to be doing something else, something more!
I can definitely relax...and need to relax more, clearly! lol
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!
The picture of the giraffes is the link. Just click on it.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!
LOL at "loaf of bread" comment. I would definitely do at least 5 minutes of tummy time a day...and expect some loud protest. DS HATED tummy time! Sleep, sleep...did I say sleep? Though, to tell you the truth, I rarely slept when DS did. We maybe napped once a day together with him on me. Walks outside are great too...with a December baby, I didn't have that opportunity but I would have loved it. It's good for you and gives baby some fresh air. Of course, you might want to wait until it is no longer 95 degrees out!
We didn't get a swing until DS was 3 months old...not sure why I waited because he LOVES it. I think it would have settled him down early on during some of those cranky times. Wish we had it sooner. He's enjoying the bouncy chair more as he's gotten older. He didn't have much of an interest in it early on.
Sing, cuddle...that's pretty much it!
Like other pp said. Relax and sleep. Taking a walk sounds like fun but don't over do it, you're still healing.
When R was that little I read to her a ton. I would read a magazine to her and some of her books too. I'd get in some good cuddle time too. Oh and when she was fussy (she wasn't a swing girl) she liked to be bounced. We used one of those exercise balls and would just bounce on it. She would quiet right down. Most of all just enjoy your time with your LO.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
My Blog

Don't feel like you have to entertain your baby all day. The time will come when he needs alot of attention but in the meantime enjoy some time relaxing. Put yourself in his little booties...would you want someone in your face all day?
A playmat is good though, especially when there are things for him to look at & swinging toys etc.
Congratulations! Sounds like you are doing just fine. There really isn't that much you can do. I think the only thing that I would add it just plain talking to him. I talk as much as I can to my LO. I don't say anything particularly special. I am basically just verbalizing what I am doing. It might sound silly, but I think it is really good to keep talking.
Ditto PP's. Just let LO take the lead. They'll stay up when they want/need to.
FWIW, Prada is 18 days old today too!!