I LOVE this name and have for over a year now. DH has agreed to it (I am waiting to see if he changes his tune when we get pregnant) and he wants to nn her Pineapple (long story but has signifigance to us). It is the only girl name I have totally fallen for despite not liking the main nn Penny. I keep going back and forth recently about whether it is a good choice. Still love it, but is it getting too popular? Is it trendy? Will she eventually end up being just Penny (which isn't the end of the world, just not my fav)? I like several other names a lot, but not as much. If I don't name my maybe-some-day daughter Penelope I feel like I will regret that I didn't use it because I have become so attached to it.
I know this name isn't for everyone and I get that. If you were to meet someone named Penelope though, would you treat or think of her differently than say an Emma?
Re: Penelope - yay or nay?
I love Penelope. LOVE.
There are plenty of other cute NNs... Poppy is a cute one I see a lot, but my favorite is Nellie. I think as long as you don't call her Penny, most people will follow suit.
As far as popularity, I do think its gaining, but doubt it will ever become super popular.
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
Love love love it!
I like it.
You can get around the common nn thing. My name is Melissa, and no one calls me "Missy." My daughter's name is Tabitha and she's never been called "Tabby."
When I was younger, people would refer to me as "Missy" sometimes, and I would just say "I don't use that nickname. Just call me Melissa."
Great name! I can't see anyone having a major problem with it.
Superb choice!
Thanks everyone! I am back to feeling 100% sure this is the baby girl name choice for us! Which is good cause DH is sick of talking about names already haha
Met 12/31/05 * Engaged 12/31/08 * Married 12/31/09
Big yay. We were team green, and it was our girl's name. I do like the nn Penny, though. I would probably not be a huge fan of a name with a potential nn I didn't like. This is why we ruled out Patrick. You can, of course, insist t hat everyone calls her Penelope when she's young but as soon as she gets older, she may opt to be called Penny. It's all about whether you're ok with that.
It is getting more popular, but it's not too popular, I don't think.
I adore the name Penelope. I don't mind Penny as a nickname but I think Penelope is fine without one as well. The most famous Penelope of all, never had a nn!
I don't think it's getting very popular or trendy at all. I wouldn't treat a person because of their name. Now, if they have a stupid name I may totally judge the parent, but it's not the child's fault!
"If I don't name my maybe-some-day daughter Penelope I feel like I will regret that I didn't use it because I have become so attached to it." That says a lot. Use it. You love it and will regret it otherwise.
Pippa is short for Philippa, not Penelope.
Happy to do my part haha. By the way, Everett is our number 1 boy's name!
Met 12/31/05 * Engaged 12/31/08 * Married 12/31/09
I love the name Penelope, and I also like the NN Penny.
As far as getting "treated differently", no. I don't treat people differently solely based on their first name...HOW SHALLOW!
BFP 12/05/10 (EDD 8/8/11), empty gestational sac 12/31/10, natural miscarriage 01/05/11
BFP 03/03/11, EDD 11/09/11, We love you so much already, our sweet little munchkin!!!
*Congrats to buddies MrsAtch, cflocco, MommyandKate, luckylady55, opallover, trishiepoo, stephsteph77, and Pachita! Praying for healthy babies for all of you!*
*Congrats to my buddy, Izabella22 (BFP 5/11/11)!!!Sending you Ts and Ps for a healthy, take-home baby!
*Congrats to my buddy, myaddiwaddi06(BFP 10/31/11)!!!Sending you Ts and Ps for a healthy, take-home baby!
This. Reminds me of a cow. Sorry.
I realize this, but on popular baby name websites, I have seen Pippa listed as a nn for Penelope or alternative to Penelope many times.
bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks
bfp 2 - baby born via c-section on 5.4.12 @ 37 weeks
bfp 3 - blighted ovum/d&c on 4.13.13 @ 8 weeks
bfp 4 - 3rd IUI, very late BFN with super low P, c/p
bfp 5 - natural bfp while on lupron, baby born via RCS on 4.27.15 @ 39 weeks
bfp 6 - surprise! baby born via RCS on 11.13.16 @ 38 weeks