
What are your movie rules for DC?

DH was thinking about taking DS to see X-men because DS asked.  However I have yet to let him see anything near that violent/scary.  DH is fine with it if I make the decisions regarding what movies the kids can and cannot see.  DS has a cousin the same age who has already seen Iron Man, Transformers, etc.  I'm just wondering if I'm being too strict about it.  DS is 6 by the way.
Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06

Re: What are your movie rules for DC?

  • My 7 y/o can't even sit through the first Harry Potter.  I think it is easier to see movies like that at home so you can fast forward through the scary bits and it is on a small screen. 

    It is probably different with girls but I don't plan on taking my kids to see X-men. 

  • Definitely easier to screen questionable movies at home rather than in the theatre.  Otherwise, you end up making "bathroom breaks" when it gets too intense just so he can hang out in the lobby...
    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
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  • EXL311EXL311 member

    That's a good idea.  I hadn't thought of letting him try out a couple movies at home where I can fast forward through parts.  The good thing is he's not at the point yet where he begs to go.  I think he just has seen the preview so he asks if he can go.  He's great at sitting through animated movies but just not sure how he would deal with a movie like that.  I might try him out on a really mild action movie and see how he does.  Thanks for the input.

    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • All I know is that my 4.5yo doesn't even like Nemo b/c of the bad guys (my words not his) like the shark, I would be shocked if he is ready at 6 to see movies like that.  But if your kid is not one to act out what he sees than I would be fine with it.  I was watching horror movies like Friday the 13th at 6 and saw Poltergiest at 7 in the movies and I was fine minus one nightmare as a kid, but not all kids know what is real and what is fake like I did at that age.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • A loves X-men, Spiderman, etc. She was pretty geeked when she saw the new X-men preview but I haven't decided if I'm going to take her. She does well with those movies but I still sometimes think I probably shouldn't let her watch them. I can't figure her out -- she can watch those types of things with no problem but Flynn almost dying in Rapunzel sent her over the edge. I think it depends on your comfort level and your child.

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