DH was thinking about taking DS to see X-men because DS asked. However I have yet to let him see anything near that violent/scary. DH is fine with it if I make the decisions regarding what movies the kids can and cannot see. DS has a cousin the same age who has already seen Iron Man, Transformers, etc. I'm just wondering if I'm being too strict about it. DS is 6 by the way.
Dee Dee
DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05
DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
Re: What are your movie rules for DC?
My 7 y/o can't even sit through the first Harry Potter. I think it is easier to see movies like that at home so you can fast forward through the scary bits and it is on a small screen.
It is probably different with girls but I don't plan on taking my kids to see X-men.
That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of letting him try out a couple movies at home where I can fast forward through parts. The good thing is he's not at the point yet where he begs to go. I think he just has seen the preview so he asks if he can go. He's great at sitting through animated movies but just not sure how he would deal with a movie like that. I might try him out on a really mild action movie and see how he does. Thanks for the input.