We are going away for a long weekend this weekend. I'm embarrassed to say that we have not traveled overnight with the boys since before Christmas. Last summer when we went away, DS2 was still bf'ing and he would fall asleep in my arms and I would put him down in a PNP in our room.
Since then, DS2 is not nursing and I put him in his crib awake and he puts himself to sleep (yay!). He is also a VERY VERY light sleeper. DS1, on the other hand, is a very sound sleeper but often wakes to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and will NOT get out of bed himself... he will yell for us to come and get him. So we have 2 bedrooms this weekend... one of us and one for the boys... but I"m not sure how to work this so they both get the sleep that they need and we are not miserable.
WWYD? I was thinking about getting DS1 to sleep first (we sit with him for the 10 min it takes him to crash) and then putting DS2 in the PNP in the same room, but this is new to him and I am 110% positive he will be standing in the PNP yelling out for DS1 (who in theory is already asleep).
I know this should not be so difficult. WWYD??
Re: Putting 2 kids in one room to sleep (travelling)... HELP!?
I think they'll probably surprise you.
I'd try to put the pnp behind something (a loveseat/chairs) that are in the hotel room to create a barrier. Honestly, if the closet is big enough, put the pnp in there. Or put it near the door out of sight of the beds.
It's actually a 2 BR house we are staying in... so they will both be in the same bedroom (i wish I could find something in there to block DS1!!).
I'm hoping that DS2 still fits in the PNP!! Last year we had the PNP in our room which was fine b/c DS2 was still nursing 1x in the night and then he'd sleep with us. DS2 is a SUPER light sleeper so I think he will wake up when we go to bed (even quietly)... it's like he has a 6th sense if you get within 50 feet of him while he's asleep!! Unfortunately he does not sleep well when he sleeps with us. And it doesn't help that DH snores like no ones business!
DS1 sleeps in a regular full sized bed there like he does at home so I don't think we could put him in our room (well... we could... he would happily sleep with us but then we'd be opening a can of worms for when we came back!). We are also going to Disney in Feb (2 BR condo) so I'm hoping we can get this down so they can sleep in the same room there... but I also do'nt want us all to be miserable b/c no one is sleeping, you know?? ugh...
I guess we could put it somewhere else but it's a one floor house... pretty small... living room is right off of the bedroom so wherever we put it, we will have to stay put somewhere else far away (and quiet!)