
DSNG and Car seats

For the ladies who used the double snap and go stroller - which car seats did you get and why?  I'm researching car seats now and I have no clue how to choose!

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Re: DSNG and Car seats

  • at first i thought graco...then i was going to go with'm back to graco cuz i finally found a pattern i liked.. lots of decisions! gl :)
    IVF - 9/09 - BFN! :( IVF #2 - ER 3/16; ET 3/18 with one embryo Beta 3/30 -- BFN! :( IVF #3 - 5/10 - BFN! IVF #4 - 11/10 - BFP. m/c at 6weeks :( FET #1 - 2/11 - BFP. beta on 2/21 :) Thank you God! :) u/s on 3/7 showed TWINS! u/s on 3/11 TWO heartbeats! Couldn't be happier :)
  • We have the Graco snug ride.  I didn't want a really heavy seat and these go up t 22lbs and the girls are just now hitting that weight and I couldn't imagine lugging a 30lb baby in the seat.
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  • imageMedtwin:
    at first i thought graco...then i was going to go with'm back to graco cuz i finally found a pattern i liked.. lots of decisions! gl :)

    HAHA...THIS is my problem!  I wanted Graco (I have a close friend who works for them and can get me a great price) but I haven't found any patterns I like! 

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    Visit My Twin Life 
  • Graco snugrides - best seats... fairly light (compared to others), great price, fit into almost all strollers, and get great safety ratings year after year.... that's why you see even celebs using them- best seats around.

    I had the regular ones that went up to 22lbs - i saw no reason to have it go higher b/c i'm not carrying one of those things with a child bigger than that - they are TOO heavy... and the regular snugrides are cheaper and lighter than the 35lb ones, etc.

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • I had a Graco and a Chicco (long story.)  I sold the Graco to get another Chicco.  If you use both, the quality difference is night and day.  Chicco for sure! The Chiccos install 100x easier (I could do it myself in 2 seconds, as opposed to 10 minutes of sweating with the Graco), and everything on the Chicco was easy to adjust.  Stuff like rotating the handle up on the Graco was always a pain. They're easy to snap in if you do it like this:

  • My Chiccos are one of my must-have items that I rave about to all other moms.  It is SO easy to get them in and out of the car.  People who don't have babies or don't use Chiccos are amazed.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers image
  • chiccos, i wanted something that was good for small babies (dh and i were both small at full term and with the increased chance that the twins would be a bit early).
  • imagesomewhereincali:
    chiccos, i wanted something that was good for small babies (dh and i were both small at full term and with the increased chance that the twins would be a bit early).

    This is why we got the 1st Chicco.  Our older son was 7lbs6oz, so we were shocked when our 37w3d Baby B was a 4 lb 13 oz peanut! The Gracos only go to 5lbs. The Chiccos to 4.  They have much better infant support too, which is part of why we got the second for our baby A (he has tort)

  • We already had a chicco from when our son was little so we just got another because we were really happy with it.  They worked great with the DSNG.

    Here is a video from youtube on how to use the chiccos with the stroller in case that is what you decide to go with.

    Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.

  • Graco Snugride 35.  It had great safety ratings, and it fit in the DSNG.  I'm not thrilled with the patterns, but the safety ratings are more important to me.
    Clomid x 2 cycles ..... BFN. 6/08 Gonal F with TI- BFN. 7/08 Gonal F #2 - IUI 7/11, BFN. 9/22/08 IUI #2 and Accupuncture - Chemical Pregnancy. 11/08 IUI #3 with accupuncture - BFN. 12/08 IUI #4 BFN. 5/09 IVF #1 ER 7/6/09, ET 7/9/09 - BFN. FET 12/18/09 - BFN IVF #2 -ER 3/6, ET 3/9, OMG - BFP!!! Beta #1 3/22 -332, Beta #2 3/24 - 701, Beta #3 - 14,889 - 1st u/s - TWINS!! SAIF ALWAYS WELCOME!!! ***Why can't 88 million sperm and 3 eggs find each other in an organ the size of a pear??*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins--not through strength but by perseverance. - H. Jackson Brown
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