Baby Showers

When would you host it?

My best friend hosted my baby shower (along with my sister and mother) for my DS. I am excited to throw her a shower as well (working with her mother, etc). She's due October 30th. Her birthday is September 19th and anniversary is the second weekend in October. Normally I'd host it the 24/25 or 9/10 of September.

The only issue is I am also pregnant with #2 and due September 22nd. So the late September is definitely out if I'm going to help with it. I feel like pushing back to August 27/28 might be a little to early. I'm really excited to throw this for her so I want to be a part of it - but I'm hesitant to go in September because of my being due then.

What are your thoughts? When would you host it? Obviously the final date(s) I propose she'd need to be available for (as well as close family) but since I'm taking the lead on this I'm going to propose some dates. TIA!

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Re: When would you host it?

  • CBC08CBC08 member

    I like the earlier September date best. Since you said you have help hosting, you could make sure that you have everything planned and finished well in advance. Then if you aren't able to make the early September date, your co-host could be in charge of executing your plans.

    If that's not a viable option, I think the late August date is what I would pick.

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  • I'm due 10/29 and my mom is hosting mine 7/23. I didn't want to have it so late in the pregnancy that I was uncomfortable. Also, that gives me time to purchase any items that aren't bought as gifts.
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  • With my first I was 7 months pregnant for my shower.  It was good because I wasn't uncomfy yet, I had time to 'fill in' items I needed and I was still big so the pics were cute :) 

  • I am due 10/12 and my shower is either 8/21 or 8/28.  I don't think the end of August is too early at all- she'll be in her 3rd tri, and it won't interfere with her anniversary or be too close to your due date either.
  • I'm due mid-October and having a late August shower so that I'll still be comfortable and have time to purchase anything I still need afterwards.
  • Thanks for all the feedback everyone!
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  • I think that the late August date would be what I would pick... my best friend is hostessing my baby shower when I am at 32 weeks and I think that it will be nice still being able to move around and enjoy myself :)
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