Health & Exercise

Exercising postpartum?

When did you start exercising postpartum? My doctor said 6 weeks but that seems a little long. I will obviously listen to my body, but I would like to start running and begin weights (even if only body weight for a bit) soon.

Re: Exercising postpartum?

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    I am 2 weeks post partum and plan on going  to the gym this week.  I have felt great since 1 week but decided to give me body a little bit longer to recover, but am going crazy not being able to exercise.

    I say go for it if you are feeling up to it.  If you feel sore you can always stop or decrease your intensity.  


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    I have to wait the full 6 weeks :( and was put on restricted activity when I first got pg. I was training for a marathon and now I'm starting all over again. However, when I have the clear, I have set up my regiment already (yoga/weights/running). 
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    I ran my entire pregnancy and was able to start walking for 3 miles three days after birth, and running 6 miles a week after birth.
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