Health & Exercise

Advice on how many calories to aim for

Hello -

I'll be seeing my primary care doctor on Wednesday and plan on asking her how many calories I should shoot for, but I was hoping you guys could give me an idea of what would be good or what you did.  I'm about 5 weeks pregnant, and am overweight.  I was losing weight before I got pregnant, and from what I've read women who are extremely overweight can lose weight while pregnant, but I don't know how comfortable I am with that idea.  I've been trying to track my calories and to stay around 1500 calories.  Does that sounds okay?  I've been very nauseous so far, so eating has been an issue, but I'm trying to eat something small every few hours, even if it's just an apple or some carrots.  I'm also continuing to exercise, though my more exhausting boot camp class was an issue last week (which I think was honestly just due to a lack of food during the day).  Thanks for your help!

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Re: Advice on how many calories to aim for

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    The baby needs and extra 300 calories a day.  You will need to check with your doctor about what, if any, caloric restrictions he is ok with.  Congratulations!!
    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
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