Anyone have any healthy "go-to" meals for a 17 month old? Some nights we kind of fend for ourselves, I have salad, DH, might have a sandwich, but I'm always trying to think of things to feed DD besides the usual, mac and cheese, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cheese sandwiches, etc. I feed her leftovers a lot if we have something she can/will eat. She likes some veggies and some fruits, so I try to incorporate some of those, but it's the main course or meat/protein that I sometimes struggle with.
Share your typical meals with me, please.
Re: Mealtime
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Oh.. to have a child who would eat!!!!
My backup is baby food. Seriously. If he just won't eat AN-Y-THING, I break out the purees and start shoving it in.
Right now the only thing he even sort of likes is cucumbers. And bacon.
OMG.. .can I just borrow Margaux for a week? I would LOVE to have a child that would eat a grilled cheese sandwich.
Charles will NOT eat anything as a combination. I gave him a piece of cucumber tonight that had a bit of my salad dressing on it and you'da thought I was trying to poison him. And he loves cukes.