DH and I are team green. We are really excited to find out the babies' sexes when they are born but we are so curious right now! My friend suggested finding out the sex of just one baby and letting the other one be a surprise. We were team green with DD so we've never experienced finding out the sex during the ultrasound. This time we could do it both ways. What do you ladies think??
Re: Funny suggestion from my friend re: being team green
Exactly this! After she told us baby a's sex she did all the measurements for her and I just wanted to say "omg do the measurements later, tell us what baby b is!" lol!
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!
like pp i dont think i would be able to know one without the other...our OB actually told us that he's convinced baby a is a girl..but couldnt see baby b.. i have asked my DH not to mention the 'girls' name..because i dont want baby b to feel neglected because we dont know what it is..
i say if you can wait the whole time..go ahead & do it!
I went team green for DD and we are having our Anat Scan tomorrow and I can't wait.
I wouln't be able to know one baby's sex and not the other's, I would go crazy.
I think it's all or nothing, GL!!!
I couldn't handle it! We found out Baby A was a boy at a cervical length check, 2 weeks before the anatomy scan. It was my favorite tech and I asked her to peek and, of course, boy parts are clear as day. Baby B was not cooperative and we had to wait until the anatomy scan, although she told us if she had to guess it was a girl.
As someone who has always wanted a DD and hoped it would be B/G twins, that wait for the anatomy scan was agonizing. I couldn't know one without the other.
Kudos to the Team Green moms. That takes so much willpower to not find out!