Today's QOTD --How/why did you pick your bump screen name? Do you still like it, or would you change it if you could?
I know some of them are pretty obvious if they are your name, LO's name, etc. But there are some interesting ones out there that I wonder about.
Re: Monday QOTD
My original Knot sn was the sn I use for everything. I changed it when H joined the Army because I didn't want what I post on here to be easily tied to what I post everywhere else.
My sn after that was my first initial and part of our last name. I had to change it (after I *finally* got bronze, darn it!) because it has an asterik and the bump's new coding gets confused by that.
It took me a million years to come up with this sn because everything I thought of was alredy taken. I tried to think of my interests and I love hurricanes (weird, I know). Most of my logins over the past have ended with the word "girl" and I wanted to move away from that. I actually planted hurricane into one of those "think of a screen name for me" websites and this is what it came up with. I don't plan on changing it ever. I like having a post count, and I like people knowing who I am.
People probably think of hurricane the drink before hurricane the natural occurance, but that's ok because I like the drink also
Great question skroops, and TicketTuesday, I also wondered about your name. Love the story!
Mine is my name, I have zero creativity.... i don't worry too much about everyone knowing my name though since it's SUPER common.
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
Mine is just my name spiced up a little bit. I picked it when I joined the knot and I never planned on really "using" it. If I had to do it all over again, I would chose a new name. I guess I could now since I don't have a cool posting medal or anything, but I'm lazy!
And, I like having these questions posted. Thank you for trying to keep the board active!
I love this!
No cool story here! Just my name and the year I graduated high school.
It's almost like a story out of a book or a movie
My maiden name starts with a P - everyone in college called me LynnyP
My first name is Lynn - and I've been called Lynny for years by my friends (used to be Skinny Lynny hehehehe).
D is the first letter of my married name so I switched it up...
Now I'm MrsLynnyD
Mine is my original Knot sn. My initials (before marriage) were JJV. My sisters call me Jae, so my sn sort of came from that.
Dx w/ PCOS 3/08
IUI 11/09, BFP 11/26/09, Missed m/c 1/4/10, D&C 1/6/10
"We miss our little 'Ziggy' every day!"
Dx with mild Hypothyroidism 4/2010
Surprise BFP 5/28/10, Nicole born on 1/19/2011 via C-Section
sn is from the knot. its the combo of H & I's name
his: john
Mine is not creative at all and is actually part of my email address...I would totally change it if I had an ounce of creativity when it comes to that sort of stuff, but I don't so it will have to do.
m=matt (DH), t=tori(my nm), and bowlin is our last name