Detroit Babies


What convertible car seat do you use and when did you move your LO to it?  Dayne is getting longer every day and I know he's not going to continue to be able to use his infant carrier much longer.  I'm hoping to make it until he's six months but who knows. 

So we're starting to look at seats - I thought I'd get some opinions here.  Thanks!

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Re: Carseats

  • We have the Graco my Ride 65 and the Evenflo Symphany.  We like the Evenflo Symphany more than the Graco.  Its latches are super easy to use especially if we have to move it to one of the grandparents cars.  Also I believe the Evenflo one becomes  a booster eventually.  And we were able to use a coupon on it, I'm not sure if you are able to use a coupon on Graco or other brands.

    We moved Lucas over at about 4 months, but he probably could have lasted until 6 months.  He was too heavy for me to carry in the infant seat and snap it into the back seat of my beetle.

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  • We got the Britax Marathon. I really like it because my son can stay rear facing until he is 40 pounds (and he is big for his age). We made the switch at about 7 months, I think, although most of the time I didn't take his infant seat out of the car. He out grew it in length before he outgrew it in weight.
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  • Evenflo Triumph Advance XL.  Love it, gets very high safety ratings.  We moved Gabe into it at 5mo.
    Gabriel Joseph 6/13/2010
    BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
    BFP #3: 10/26/11
    Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
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    dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR image image
  • Evenflo Triumph Advance XL.  Love it, gets very high safety ratings.  We moved Gabe into it at 5mo.
    Gabriel Joseph 6/13/2010
    BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
    BFP #3: 10/26/11
    Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
    Missed m/c 12w3d 12/28/11, d&c 12/30/11
    dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR image image
  • I have tried to reply to this 3 times and I keep getting errors.. ARGH..

     We have the Graco MyRide 65 and I have had no problems with it, it's bigger then I thought but it still fits in my 4 -door Saturn. Morgan always looks like she is super comfortable in it...

    I used this blog to research a little when looking for seats.

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  • We use the Britax Marathon and the new baby will have a Britax Roundabout.  We moved Brendan when he was around 8-9 months old. 

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  • We have the Britax Roundabout for DD & we're not sure if we'll use the same one for DS that is in DH's car or get a different one.

    We put DD in it at about 8 or 9 months maybe, can't remember exactly, but she was getting too long for her carseat.  Funny that DS is 1 and is still in his carseat, but i'll take it.

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  • We have Britax Marathons in our cars.  We're just getting ready to switch Nathan- as soon as we're home more than 5 minutes.  He's off the charts on length and so far he's still within the limits- it's the weight that's making us switch, so 6 months should hopefully be doable.  There just comes a point those infant seats are insanely heavy to carry.  I'm just going to miss the convenience!

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  • We have the Britax Advocate and Evenflo Symphony, both of which are still in their boxes.  So I don't have any real info for you since we haven't switched DD yet, but I've been contemplating it because I hate lugging her carseat around. However, I think I want to wait until she can sit in a highchair at a restaurant so we have a place to put her.  Also, she falls asleep on the way home from day care and usually stays asleep for a little bit in her carseat when we get home, which I'm sure won't happen if we switch to the convertible seat.
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  • We have an Evenflo Symphany 65 in my car, DH's car, and my mom's car because we loved it so much.  I went through three different seats before I tried this one.  It is super easy to install it is super easy to get Peyton in and out of it.  The harness straps can adjust with P still sitting in the seat which is nice and the straps are much easier to tighten then any other seat we tried. 

    The seat uses a "sure latch" system which basicaly connects to the latch bars just like a seat belt would.  I found with other seats, I could never get the strap tightened nough to have the seat securely attached to the car.  With this one, you literally click it on the bars and then press down on the seat and it clicks and tightens like if you were putting on your seat belt.

    We took both of our cars to get inspected on Saturday and the inspectors were saying that this seat is becoming one of their favorites because of the sure latch system.

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  • imageHiggyFan42:

    We have an Evenflo Symphany 65 in my car, DH's car, and my mom's car because we loved it so much.  I went through three different seats before I tried this one.  It is super easy to install it is super easy to get Peyton in and out of it.  The harness straps can adjust with P still sitting in the seat which is nice and the straps are much easier to tighten then any other seat we tried. 

    The seat uses a "sure latch" system which basicaly connects to the latch bars just like a seat belt would.  I found with other seats, I could never get the strap tightened nough to have the seat securely attached to the car.  With this one, you literally click it on the bars and then press down on the seat and it clicks and tightens like if you were putting on your seat belt.

    We took both of our cars to get inspected on Saturday and the inspectors were saying that this seat is becoming one of their favorites because of the sure latch system.

    The length only matters is if it is where the head it. It is fine for the legs to be off the end. They are only growing out of it if his head is getting 1 inch or less from the top. If not, leave him as long as possible. Then you will have to carry him around. DS is a big boy for his age, so we had to move him sooner. Some people used the same carseat for 1 yr because their infant was average size.

    DS has acid relux and milk protein allergy, and had torticollis, used to EP, now we FF . April siggy 3-6 month
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    Born 7lb, 15oz, 21-1/4, 2 mo - 12lbs, 14oz. 25", 3mo - 14lb, 4oz 26in , 4 mo - 16lb, 1oz, 26 3/4 in, 5 mo 18 lb, 4oz 27-3/4 in, 6 mo 28 3/4 in 19lb, 14oz
  • Oh, and we moved Peyton to her convertible seat at 4 mo.  I am weak and couldn't carry her around in her infant seat anymore.  But, she has always been in the 98th percentile for both height and weight, so she's just a big kid.
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  • We have the Britax Marathon.  I LOVE it!  Target had it on sale a couple weeks ago for $150.  I thought of getting one for my parent's car. 
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