Baby Names

Irish Baby Names

My husband and I are expecting our 2nd child in August. We are due with a boy. We typically like Irish names, with our 1st son's name being Brogan. We are trying to find a name that is unique, but nothing that's too out there. He really likes Declan. I like Colin, but I know that that is gaining popularity. I'm unsure of Declan, and we've gotten a lot of negative response when that name is mentioned. So we are on the hunt! Does anyone have any suggestions? I've also mentioned Finley or Finnigan and we've gotten some negative responses to those names as well.

Re: Irish Baby Names

  • I've always loved Cormac (core-mick).
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  • I personally like Declan but other options are:








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  • Grady

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  • I like Declan a lot. Desmond, Grady, or Brian sounds good with Brogan.

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  • I'm not sure how Irish all of the popular "Irish" names really are.  Our neighbor is from Ireland and his name is Roydon.  Not a name I've ever heard before in the states.  He has two brothers named Derek and David.
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  • imageyankeebear:
    I'm not sure how Irish all of the popular "Irish" names really are.  Our neighbor is from Ireland and his name is Roydon.  Not a name I've ever heard before in the states.  He has two brothers named Derek and David.

    Certainly there's a difference between traditional Irish names and names popular in Ireland. 

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  • My son's name is Liam, so I'm partial to that.  :)   Declan is one of my top picks if this LO is a boy, but my husband isn't sure about it.

    I also like Kieran, Rowan, Sean and Callum

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  • If we were having a boy I was going to go with something simple - Kyle.  I believe that is traditionally irish although I can't be sure b/c the name book I have is celtic names including welsh, etc.
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  • There was a post the other day about this where people submitted some nice ideas.  (Posted 6/4 at 12:51 p.m.)  You might get some inspiration there.  Good luck!

    p.s. I met a Finbar, NN Fin, in Ireland once and have always liked that name.   

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  • Keegan, Killian, Seamus, Sean, Colm, Cormac, Eamon, Tierney
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