Health & Exercise

ANOTHER 2ww running question...

I posted this on the TTGP board, but I thought you ladies might offer me some help, too.  I had a major subchorionic hematoma with my first pregnancy that was aggravated by exercise (before I knew I had it, when I started having problems with bleeding I was put on strict bed rest for over 10 weeks).  I was told NO running or hardcore exercise for the remainder of my pregnancy, just moderately paced walking.  We are currently trying again and I am in my 2ww... think I should be canning the exercise until I know for sure or at the least taking it easy?  I usually run around 6-7 miles a day.  If someone else told me this, I would say to can it until you know, but then I wonder if I am being overly cautious?  I know people have conceived during marathon training and all that, and believe me, you girls are my heroes, but given my history, I guess I question if I am somebody who can or should be continuing to run with the same intensity.  Just wondering your thoughts, thank you ladies.

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