So I left my dipes soaking while we went to run a quick errand and I come back to find that my MIL, bless her heart, decided to help me out by putting them to wash.. only thing is that she put regular detergent on them. She found a bottle of Dreft I had in a cupboard that I had gotten as a gift and used that.
Do I have to worry that my diapers might possibly be ruined?
Re: Possibly ruined diapers? :(
It's like a sea of freakin bubbles in my washer! I've already rinsed twice and it looks like they're multiplying...
Sadly, they are soap bubbles I've already rinsed 4 times and those suckers don't seem to want to leave. Looks like I have a long night of de-bubbling ahead of me.
I hope that one wash doesn't end up giving me problems. I'm about to start hot wash/rinse #5... I love my MIL but I hope she doesn't do any other "helpful" cd washing any time soon. Unless, of course, she asks for specifics.
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