We were watching Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs well the part with the big roasted chickens came up and we got to talking about them. Well she told me they aren't the same as chickens on the farm and I didn't think anything of it and explained that they are they just don't look the same after the farmer is done with it. I told her meat comes from animals like hamburgers come from cows. I wish I hadn't done that. Since then she has refused all meat. It wouldn't be so bad if she actually ate fruits and veggies. She will eat potatoes, peas and bananas. She like the veggie chicken nuggets and sausages but she won't get that they are veggies. I hope she forgets about this soon.
Re: I think I ruined meat for Danica
I have caught myself many times before I start explaining where meat comes from with DD1...for this very reason. I'm putting it off a little longer. She'll learn soon enough.
That's exactly why I have never made any secret of the fact that beef comes from cows, etc.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I guess my DD is doomed to a life of having PETA come after her! Because in the grocery store while I am picking out meat, telling DD what we are getting she will make the barnyard noises that go with the appropiate meat! Pork means pig so she will oink, Beef means cow so DD will moo, and she will cluck at the chicken too! Its funny seeing others look at her like its weird but for real, do others not teach that meat=animals?
Guess they might. Goes along with something I read about some high schoolers thoguht honey came from bears.
DS was telling my MIL yesterday that he loves pigs and she said that she grew up with pigs on her farm and they always had the yummiest bacon. DS didn't really get the connection. She tried to explain that bacon comes from pigs, but all he took away from the conversation was that pigs are good cooks. So anyway, I think that even if I tried to explain where meat comes from he wouldn't really get it. I'm sure come kids do get it, but it doesn't click for him. I'm sure if I brought him to a processing plant, it would sink in, but that doesn't seem quite age appropriate for my 4 yr old.
ETA: that entire chicken/machine going crazy/ugly sounds part in CWACM movie is SO weird and seems totally out of whack from the rest of the movie - as if someone else wrote just that part.
I think this is a good part of the reason I've shied away from saying anything--I don't think she'd get it yet.