DD has got a really bad diaper rash, like with open sores
She's had this a couple of other times, where it goes from red, to broken blisters within a couple of hours, and she seems miserable. In the past I've just used Rapid Relief Desitin, and it clears it up in a couple of days, but I'm wondering if there's something better out there that I can try? What's your favorite? Any other tips you can share (ie soaking in the tub, etc...)
Re: Rec your diaper rash cream/ointment
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
The Bump MoM Recipe Collection
My peds office has the pharmacy compound a butt cream. Its basically, a&d, lidocane, nystatin, and zinc. But it works AMAZING and OVERNIGHT!!!!!
Since we started using it, my friends that dont dr at our clinic have their drs call the pharmacy to get the "recipe" for it! Its only about $8 for a big tub of it, so it seems comparable to desitin and other OTC creams.
another vote for triple paste.
I bought just one of the sample size tubes (which is still pretty large) from BBB or BRU so it was pretty cheap and a little of that stuff goes a long way. HTH!
PCOS diagnosis~can't remember how many years ago
Several cycles of Clomid with OBGYn ~BFNs
11-09 Initial Consult with RE
12-09 Changed to a different RE
1-2010 CCT-BFN
2-2010 Rest Cycle, Waiting for AF..where are yOU?
3.5.2010 RE found a cyst....Rest another month
3.12.10 AF
3.13.10 Cyst still there....on BCP until next month
4.10.10 Starting Lupron/Gonal-F/Luveris
April 2010 IVF #1 ~ BFP
5.5.10 Beta #1~150
5.7.19 Beta #2~300
5.19.10 1st u/s 2 sacs~~
5.25.10 2nd u/s 2 heartbeats~twins
EDD 1.12.11
Delivered on 11.28.10 due to HELLP syndrome at 33w 4days