
Rec your diaper rash cream/ointment

DD has got a really bad diaper rash, like with open sores :(

She's had this a couple of other times, where it goes from red, to broken blisters within a couple of hours, and she seems miserable.  In the past I've just used Rapid Relief Desitin, and it clears it up in a couple of days, but I'm wondering if there's something better out there that I can try?  What's your favorite?  Any other tips you can share (ie soaking in the tub, etc...)

bfp 5/17/09 - missed m/c 6/17/09 @ 9w - stopped growing 6w 1d, D&C 6/19/09
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
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Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
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Re: Rec your diaper rash cream/ointment

  • Ouch! That sounds so painful, poor girl.  With DD we usually had Desitin on hand, but we found Boudreaux's Butt Paste (a baby shower gift from a co-worker) was better for the more stubborn diaper rashes.  It creates a layer that doesn't come off as easily as Desitin. 
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  • We haven't had any major diaper rashes yet, but I love Boudreaux's Butt Paste and Aquaphor
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  • DS gets those - he's got really sensitive skin. We do several things depending on how bad it is. We always use Dr.Smith's diaper ointment with 100% talc powder - it's expensive, but works well to keep the redness in check. When/if he gets sores, we use A&D first, then Dr. Smith's then powder. I like the A&D because it's ok to use on minor cuts and burns so I figure it helps him when it gets really bad. The cream/powder combo creates a really thick paste that sticks to his butt, just to warn you. 
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  • My DD has really sensitive skin and eczema and my pedi recommended Triple Paste.  It is pricey but it cleared up my DDs bad diaper rash.  Good luck
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Another vote for Triple Paste. It is seriously the best stuff I've used and my boys get some wicked rashes.
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  • I agree, Triple Paste is expensive, but it works fast!
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  • imagedaisybride78:
    Another vote for Triple Paste. It is seriously the best stuff I've used and my boys get some wicked rashes.
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  • Thanks ladies.  My pharmacy was out of Triple Paste but the pharmacist said that Triderma was just as effective.  He also recommended the Aveeno Oatmeal Bath for babies.  After using both, she seemed more comfortable before bed, so I'm hoping to see at least some improvement in the morning.  Poor little pumpkin :(
    bfp 5/17/09 - missed m/c 6/17/09 @ 9w - stopped growing 6w 1d, D&C 6/19/09
    BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
    Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
    Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    The Bump MoM Recipe Collection
  • bsmeadbsmead member

    My peds office has the pharmacy compound a butt cream.  Its basically, a&d, lidocane, nystatin, and zinc.  But it works AMAZING and OVERNIGHT!!!!! 

    Since we started using it, my friends that dont dr at our clinic have their drs call the pharmacy to get the "recipe" for it!    Its only about $8 for a big tub of it, so it seems comparable to desitin and other OTC creams.


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  • another vote for triple paste.

    I bought just one of the sample size tubes (which is still pretty large) from BBB or BRU so it was pretty cheap and a little of that stuff goes a long way. HTH!

  • I'm also on the Triple Paste bandwagon!!!!
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  • In a tub mix one tube neosporin, one tube hydrocortisone, one tube anti-fungal cream, and about 2/3 tube A&D.  It covers all the bases and creates a thick layer.  I would also give her some open air time.  
  • Are you sure it's diaper rash and not a yeast infection? I had this happen to DD once and my mom recognized it as yeast from when we were kids. I just had to use a combo of diaper cream and Lotrimin AF and it cleared right up. Just a thought!
  • I LOVE Butt Paste.  Last night before bath William had terrible rash (was bright red all over his butt and balls, was screaming when I was wiping him with water and baby soap on a rag).  I slathered Butt Paste on him very liberally and this morning the rash was almost completely gone (his balls were still a tiny big red, but it was SO much better).  Butt Paste always works so fast and so well for us, it's all I'll ever use on my kids.
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